Vanilla 18, 19, Dragon Fruit 9, 26; Gummy bunnies; Pocky Chain

Jan 15, 2012 10:29

Author: Lumelle
Title: Asleep and Awake
'Verse: Dragons; Lore 101
Challenge: Vanilla #18: a dream; Dragon Fruit #9: Everything Seems Like Good News
Toppings/Extras: Gummy Bunnies (500themes; "silent watcher"); pocky chain
Word Count: 400
Rating: G
Summary: A series of four drabbles about sleeping, waking, and love.

When Adrian opened hir eyes, ze found hirself looking at Raymond's tired but smiling face.

"About time you woke up," Raymond said, and Adrian had never heard a sweeter voice. "I was starting to worry."

"Raymond?" Adrian blinked. "I… how am I here?"

"I'm not quite sure." Raymond reached out a hand to brush against hir face as though to make sure ze was truly there. "I do know I won't be letting go again, though."

"I'm never leaving again." Adrian closed hir eyes.

"You'd better, or I'll get very cross with you."

Adrian smiled. Finally, ze was alive again.



There was no response. Pyry was not surprised. Whenever Riku stayed over, he tended to be the one to fall asleep first. It didn't exactly help that they had spent the better part of the afternoon training, which always wore Riku out.

Lying silent in the dark room, Pyry closed his eyes, focusing on the steady sound of Riku's breaths. The sound was soothing, almost comforting. It reminded him that Riku was safe and sound, a mere arm's reach away from him.

He closed the distance, drawing Riku close. Riku was warm.

Just this once, it didn't bother Pyry.


As he stumbled over a particularly tricky phrase in the original dragonwrit text, it took Aarni a moment to realise he hadn't returned back to Finnish afterwards. Of course, considering that Otso hadn't showed any reaction to the change, the damage was probably minimal.

"You know, it's not that translating this for you is terrible, but if you're not even listening, I'm not going to bother." He set the book down, a bit annoyed.

Otso looked startled. "Ah, I'm sorry. I just got caught up in listening to you. Your voice is beautiful."

Idiotic man. Aarni couldn't even hate him.


At some point, Elina wasn't sure when, they had both fallen asleep. Except now she was awake, her neck was stiff, and Ansa was still asleep half across her lap.

The movie they had been watching was long since over, the screen staring at them blankly in the otherwise dark room. Elina contemplated getting up to shut it down, then decided there was no way she could do that while Ansa was lying on top of her.

"Hey, darling?" she murmured. "Wake up so we can both get to bed."

Her only response was a sleepy murmur and a snuggle.

Author: Lumelle
Title: Water Beast
'Verse: Dragons; Lore 101
Challenge: Vanilla #19: sports; Dragon Fruit #26: I spoke with her voice
Toppings/Extras: Gummy Bunnies (500themes; "silent watcher")
Word Count: 1,092
Rating: PG (for mild-ish language)
Summary: On their search for someone, Aarni and Otso dig up a most powerful ally. However, the once and future king is not who they expect.
A/N: In Finnish, vesipeto = "water beast" means someone who loves swimming; I felt it was apt here. Also, oops, another new character with an 'A' name. >_>

"I still don't understand why we have to go along with this idiocy." Aarni was not exactly enjoying this. Not only were there kids around just waiting to run past and bump into him, but the sun was shining mercilessly. Wasn't it supposed to be all gloomy and rainy in England? He was already getting a headache and it was barely morning.

"Because we'd look pretty damn out of place otherwise." Otso didn't seem too bothered about their less than proper clothing. "That, and if we started circling the pool in full clothes looking for someone, we'd just look like perverts."

"Because circling the poor in nothing but swimming trunks is so much more wholesome." Why, yes he was being sarcastic. "You have any more specific idea as to how we should find the target?"

"You're the one who's seen the picture." Otso gave him an almost amused glance.

"Yeah, sure. Except the people here are quite well disguised with goggles and caps and lack of proper clothes."

"Oh, of course. Can't tell the men and women apart without clothes, eh?" The bastard actually had the gall to be teasing him, eh? They'd see about that. "I can try, sure, but no guarantees. If it doesn't work, we'll have to do something truly drastic - like, you know, calling for his name."

"I did already think of that, you know," Aarni pointed out with a wry tone. "I'm not a total idiot, believe it or not. But for one thing, this is a big place, and for another, screaming for someone would gather attention that I can do without."

"As to the first point, water is surprisingly good at carrying sound, but I'll concede that the second might actually be valid." Might? Really? Never could have guessed. "Give me your hand."

"Wha?" Aarni blinked. "But -"

"Just give me your hand and we'll get this done that much sooner." Otso's tone was more exasperated than anything. "Please, Aarni."

Well. Otso didn't often ask him quite that nicely. Besides, even if they were half-naked and vulnerable out in the open, he did trust his boyfriend. With a sigh, Aarni reached out and grasped the offered hand.

He immediately felt the magic rushing through him, the same magic that had led them all the way here. Otso frowned in concentration, eyes falling almost shut. Aarni couldn't help but watch in fascination. He still wasn't entirely sure just how this particular brand of magic worked, but he had enough faith in Otso to believe that it did.

A moment later Otso squeezed his hand tight, blinking. "Over there," he murmured with an oddly high-pitched voice, pointing at the other end of the pool. "Our target is there."

"Okay." If he said so. "Can I let go already?"

"No, you can't." If not for the slightly absent look on Otso's face and the still strange tone of his voice, Aarni might have slapped him for being such a jerk. Well, if not for that and the fact that he probably couldn't have slapped Otso if he tried. "I don't want to lose the signal now."

It sounded reasonable enough, Aarni figured. He let Otso more or less drag him by the hand, doing his best to ignore the strange gazes from some of the onlookers. Yes, they were both guys, yes, they were holding hands, welcome to the twenty-first century, grandma.

Otso tugged him along with a purpose in his steps. Aarni followed without much of a protest. If he had trusted him to bring him this far, he could just as well follow the rest of the way. At last Otso came to a halt, though, looking out into the pool. "There."

Letting his eyes comb the water, Aarni spotted a figure swimming right toward them, moving swiftly in the water. "At least he can swim," he murmured, then blinked. Now that the figure was coming closer, he noticed something quite unsettling. "Wait. That's a swimsuit."

"And?" Otso looked a bit confused.

"That's a swimsuit, Otso. Tease me all you want, but only women wear those."

"I do know that much, Aarni. But I also know this is who we're looking for."

Luckily the swimmer seemed to notice them standing there, slowing down as she came to the edge of the pool. Definitely a girl, Aarni concluded, slender but not entirely devoid of shape. She came to a stop, then, a hand resting against the edge of the pool, another coming up to lift her goggles to her forehead. A pair of suspicious blue eyes glared up at them from a slightly freckled face.

Otso grinned and crouched down to meet her gaze. "Arthur Pendragon, I presume?"

She blinked at them and then laughed, sounding half amused and half disbelieving. "Been a damn while since I heard that name, to be sure," she said, and with a start Aarni realised this was the voice he had just heard from Otso's lips a moment before. "Artemis Penner, actually. Or Arty, whatever. And you would be?"

Despite the laughter, the suspicious gaze had not entirely disappeared. Probably better to play with open cards. Raymond had said she was a good guy, after all. "The name's Aarni Sange," he said, doing his best not to look too grumpy. "And this one here is Otso Viinikka. Looking for the once and future king, as it happens."

He paused, wondering how to explain their purpose, but thankfully this turned out to be unnecessary. "Sange, eh?" Her eyes lit up in recognition. "I know the name, but I sure as hell don't know you." Great, at least they didn't have to watch their language around her. "So what do you want and why should I care?"

"My father's name is Raymond, if that rings any bells." Aarni shrugged. "We're looking for a fae and thought you might be able to help."

"A fae hunt, hm? And Raymond's son? This can't be good." The expression on her face could only be called a grin. An excited one. Clearly she was not against the idea of bad news. "Now let me get out of here and we'll talk. Be warned, though," she added even as she kicked herself away from the edge. "I want a coke before I'm going to listen to you."

"Will do," Otso said with a cheerful tone. He then turned to look at Aarni. "See? Told you it was her."

"Yes, you did." Aarni sighed. "Now can I let go and get dressed before this gets any worse?"

[challenge] dragonfruit, [extra] pocky chain, [topping] gummy bunnies, [challenge] vanilla

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