Two Tales from Sora

Dec 09, 2011 14:46

Author: Bitz
Story: The Soramerica Sagas- The Genocide Saga
Characters: Graven, AJ, Laz, Sentinel Warriors
Rating: PG-13 (language warning)
Challenge: Black Raspberry #4. fight fire with fire
Topping/Extra: N/A
Summary: Laz gave a lenient smile. "AJ is absolutely correct. If the Organization wants to play with their toys, I say let's play with ours at their own game. Who's with me?"
Word Count: 776
A/N: So after much deliberation I have decided that I'm going to put most of my time in this story. I hope you guys enjoy the tales.

The atmosphere in the shady room was tense but calm as well as all of the Sentinel warriors at around the wide oval cherry wood table, staring over at our leader with anxious eyes. I myself was wanting to know what the future was bringing us. Laz looked side to side from the head of the table at his people and sighed deep. He had called this meeting suddenly and from the past events given to us from the Corrigan Organization, I knew that whatever he had to say was going to change things drastically.

"I know you all are aware of certain changes going on involving us Sentinels." Laz started in a deep booming voice. The Sentinels murmured in agreement and I thought to myself, 'Many changes indeed...' The seat to my left was empty. That was change enough. Laz followed my gaze and his eyes appeared to understand my thoughts.

"For those of you wondering where the 4th in command is, Seren has been put on a secret mission in which she has left for Soramerica and hopefully has infiltrated the palace walls."

Heads nodded and I put my hands together, hoping that Laz was right and that Seren was somewhat safe inside the cold palace and not a prisoner in Professor Gideon's laboratory. The fact that Khaleb came back from there barely alive with only one of his eyes made me worry for her safety.

AJ, who was across from me, sitting to the right of Laz, met my eyes with the same worried expression. He understood and was concerned as well. Laz continued his speech.

"There are risks to Seren being up there, of course. But through steady communication between her and AJ, we will know if she is in too much trouble than she can handle and that way, we can come to her aid at any time."

There was silence and then more talk, " Now...for a more pressing matter. We have reason to believe that the Corrigan Organization is trying to widen their number of troops by recruiting people from Soramerica , but not only that, but also, from what some of our moles have informed us, they are also beginning to construct new cyborgs that we believe they are going to use against us."

There was an immediate uproar as the Sentinels expressed their emotions and concerns among each other. One man raised his hand, which calmed the other down some.

"Yes, my brother?" Laz motioned with his head.

"How can that be used against us? Especially since we are underground? They are just waiting for us to come out of our safe zone?"

Laz sat up in his chair, putting his head on top of his crossed hands.

"Yeah! I have children, Lazarus. How are we to be sure that they are safe?" A woman asked, worried. Jasmine nodded behind her in agreement. More voices were sure to be heard.

"How are we to fight back?"

"Yeah! Will guns work on them?"

Laz glanced to his right and AJ took over, standing up and putting a hand to his chest, yelling out, "I have the answer to that. Right now as we speak, we are also fabricating our own weaponry robots that will be molded from SenTi. They will be formidable."

Relief came over the warriors faces, but that just seemed to irk AJ more. He crossed his arms , shaking his head.

"Don't be afraid of those assholes! Remember, anything they can do, we can do better, dammit!"

I nodded, exclaiming, "That's right!"

Laz gave a lenient smile. "AJ is absolutely correct. If the Organization wants to play with their toys, I say let's play with ours at their own game. Who's with me?" He stood up looking for volunteers. Cheers of support and concurrence resonated throughout the room and I smiled putting up a fist. These two were quite possibly the best damn leaders I ever saw. AJ was encouragement, Laz was the mastermind and sometimes, it was the other way around.

Laz calmed the group down finally, motioning for them to sit back down. When they did, he kept his stand and replied,

"We all need to be on our guard because I'm not going to lie and say that this is going to be a walk in the park. Trust in your abilities and yourselves, my brothers and sisters. Let's show the Organization what happens when they fuck with the Sentinels!

We all cheered and although the moods were bright, I knew that things were only going to get darker and times were only going to get harder.

I just hoped we were ready.

Author: Bitz
Title: Raging Lioness
Story: The Soramerica Sagas- The Fugitive Saga
Characters: Seren, Aalina, Flair, Julien, Gentry, Jeneleah, Kadi
Rating: PG-13 (language warning and violence)
Challenge: Honeydew 12. backlash, Pistachio 5. punishment
Topping/Extra: Fresh Peaches-This is a very climactic time of month on the emotional front, and you may lash out for no apparent reason. This is a time when any emotions that you've stored up inside are forced to come out in one way or another. You may feel like you have little control over how you express feelings. The force behind your emotions is tremendous.
Summary: I stood fast, popping my hands and neck. I was ready to beat her down into the ground. There would be an imprint when I was done.
Word Count: 1346
A/N: These events occuring right after: Call of the Lash

Aalina and I walked out of the dungeon and were just about to head upstairs to clean my wounds when I saw two of Julien's concubines, Jeneleah and Kadi walking towards us. They paused in their steps and proceeded to whisper to each other, glancing at me from time to time. Aalina glared, but I just rolled my eyes. These bitches couldn't even talk about me behind my back? These were gangsta chicks, I guess.

I sighed and while crossing my arms, gave my most menacing look asking, "Are you ladies that shallow that you can't even fucking tell me what the hell you're saying about me to my face? You're better than that, I'm sure."

The ladies stopped their whispers and while flipping her blond wavy hair back Kadi said, "We had heard things from Flair and I guess they were right, Seren." I felt my muscles tensing in irritation as I growled out, "What do you mean, Kadi? What was Flair saying?" Kadi was about to answer, but Jeneleah interrupted her saying, "She's talking a lot of crap about you right now, Ser. About how you were probably drenched in blood from all of your lashes and how she was the one who made it all happen."

"Ooh, bad mistake, Flair." Aalina whispered.

I on the other hand, was raging hot inside. "What? Did she think that I was weaker than before or something? Does she not know me?" I hissed out. The girls shrugged, not knowing what was the cause of Flair's behavior. I could feel my hands clenching and opening and I asked, "So wait...she's talking about me now?" I asked, hoping to the Lord above that she was.

Kadi nodded and Jeneleah replied, "As we speak. She's in the courtyard somewhere now."

That was all I needed to hear as I stormed past the ladies towards the courtyard, vaguely hearing Aalina thanking them and following me saying, "Not too hard, Seren. Julien's already mad enough with you."

I nearly yelled out my rage. "Fuck Julien! He better be glad he's not the one getting this ass whooping!" I looked side to side, ignoring the flaming cuts on my back. Aalina raised her hands in surrender as I continued on my quest...looking for the girl that started all of this bullshit. It didn't take too long to find her either; she was still sprouting her shit to the girls in the middle of the courtyard, near the fountain.

"Seren is a pushover, ladies. She puts up this front that she can kick everybody's ass, but she's getting her ass whipped right now in the dungeon." Her smile was smug, her voice haughty

The ladies began talking among each other and a young Fighter named Titania came forward, yelling out, "That's a lie, Flair. Seren kicks ass in the fights and you know it!"

Flair scoffed, not bothered by those words in the least. She was on a roll. "Please, the only reason she wins all those battles is because of those claws she always has. If she didn't have them, she wouldn't be shit!" She exclaimed, turning so that her back was towards me.

Hearing enough, I hurried past the crowd and pushed Flair with all the force I had collected from the rush over. She screamed, flying forward harshly and landing in a heap on the concrete. Some of the girls giggled; they knew she deserved what she was getting. I stood fast, popping my hands and neck. I was ready to beat her down into the ground. There would be an imprint when I was done.

"What the...What the hell?!" Flair screamed out, looking over her shoulder.

I walked slowly towards her, moving my arms towards me in a challenging manner. "Get up, you bitch! You wanna talk shit? Give me a chance to knock those teeth out of your big ass mouth!"

Fear crept into Flair's eyes and she looked around for help. I snapped my fingers to get her attention. "No, I'm up here, sweetheart! They can't help you!" Flair chuckled nervously saying, " look...good."

"Yeah, I feel good too. You wouldn't know from me just now having five lashes, huh?" Flair was silent as I continued, "Get up so I can kick your ass! It's not fun when you're already down."

Flair struggled to get up, her sari gathering around her ankles and giving her a clumsy appearance. When she finally got her footing, she surprised me by getting into a fighting stance. My eyebrows raised and she warned, " Don't think I'm just going to let you beat me, Seren. I'm a Fighter too remember."

I laughed aloud. "Please! You're so into trying to be Julien's bitch in his bed and out that we all know that you haven't been to barely any training sessions." The ladies mumbled their agreements as crimson shaded Flair's cheeks. She hated being made a fool of.

"You're going to pay for that, whore! I'll kill your ass!" she screamed out in rage.

I opened my arms letting her know I was ready. "Please, I'm ready to see what you have in store for me. Look, I'll even give you the first blow." Flair rushed forward hearing those words, her hand in a tight fist flying towards my face. Before she could hit me though, I dodged her by ducking under her arm and as soon as she turned around to hit me again, punched her straight in the eye. Flair gasped and cried out in pain, holding it. I grinned.

"Bitch, did you really think I was going to let you touch me?" My voice screamed out incredulously. "Come on, let's finish this!" Even though Flair held her eye, she tried to punch me again, screaming out in desperation. I dodged her again, pulling her back by her sari so that she faced me. Once she was, I let loose a combo of punches to her face- right, left, left, right, taking delight in hearing her cries of agony. My foot found her back, kicking her to the ground.

She barely had a chance to turn over on her back before I straddled her and continued the blows to her face. One punch connected with her nose, another with her lip; busting it open. Blood began to stain her face but that still didn't stop me. Right now, she was like an opponent and in the cage...we killed to win. Through my red haze of bloodlust, I heard Aalina telling me to stop and that Julien was coming with the guards. I still didn't care and kept punching.

"Please...stop...I'm sorry...please..." I heard Flair gurgle out through blood. I stopped my punches, just as a painful exploding light lit up behind my eyes. I rolled off of Flair, holding my skull; the location of my newfound pain. Opening my eyes, I looked up seeing Julien putting his leg back down. He had kicked me in the head. Gentry tackled me before I could move and after restraining my arms behind my back, turned me toward my Master, the mangled Flair and the rest of the girls.

"You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?" Julien growled out in anger. I raised an eyebrow in defiance and he gritted his teeth. "When you fuck with my girls, you're fucking with my money." He pointed at me. "I will not have you fucking with my money, you got that?!"

I was silent as Julien lowered himself down to cradle Flair in his arms. She clung to him, sobbing and I had to gag at the ridiculous scene. Rhalina shook her head. I know she had tried to help, but I was beyond that today. Julien knew that as well. "Take her to isolation. I'll deal with her later."

Gentry pushed me to walk and I did, giving any other girl who wanted to challenge me a look of warning.

Anybody who wanted to connect fists with me...would end up like Flair. I guaranteed that.

[author] bitz, [challenge] honeydew, [challenge] black raspberry, [challenge] pistachio, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches

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