Title: Cheating Main Story: In The Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Eggnog 7 (snowball fight), margarita 2 (aim), My Treat ("Where the hell did you even find a crossbow?!?"), malt (SC 186: now you're just being silly), pocky
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...So, I'm now writing a fic where Daryl on The Walking Dead somehow gets one of these. He names her Freya, and manages to do serious damage to zombies with it, because he's Daryl Dixon.
Also, Sarah is known to use snow shovels in snowball fights, and she says something along the lines of 'En guarde.'
This is a really cute piece! I love that Aaron tries to be all big brotherly in his sore losing, lol. And Ivy, of course, is awesome just for using a crossbow in combat. Good job.
Comments 9
Also, Sarah is known to use snow shovels in snowball fights, and she says something along the lines of 'En guarde.'
This is a really cute piece! I love that Aaron tries to be all big brotherly in his sore losing, lol. And Ivy, of course, is awesome just for using a crossbow in combat. Good job.
What can I say. Sometimes you just need to cheat. Thank you!
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"What the actual fucking fuck" is one of my go-to expressions when I have no other words.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Ooooh, you made Aaron maaaad. Mission accomplished, Ivy. XDDD
Thank you!
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