Cheeseburger #1 (pwnd) with Cookie Crumbs

Nov 26, 2011 19:50

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Cheeseburger #1 (pwnd)
Story Arc: Fixed Dreams
Title: Realizations
Toppings: Cookie Crumbs of Important Calls
Summary: Kenji receives a call about Tsukino which makes him address an ongoing problem.
Word count: 1,075
Notes: In this piece Miki receives a piece of what she deserves, but only a little bit. This also gives a little more insight in Tsukino's family and how things were before she moved. You also get a peek at Kenji which I think is cool, but he has many mistakes to make up. Well enjoy!

Kenji watched the news in his living room as the reporter droned on about another crime a celebrity committed. He shook his head and moved to change the channel when the phone rang. Kenji grinned as the number popped on the screen. Tsukino hadn’t called in awhile and it worried him. He couldn’t wait to catch up.


“Um, no, I’m afraid.”

Kenji frowned at the voice on the other end. That voice was too deep to be Tsukino. “Who is this?”

“My name is Kazu. I’m Tsukino’s boyfriend.”

Kenji’s eyes widened at the revelation. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “…She didn’t tell us she had one.”

“Did she mention me?”

“She told me she was seeing this nice guy and I guess that’s you, huh?” Why didn’t she tell me she had a boyfriend? Was it because we had to deal with Miki’s tantrum that night?

“Yes I am. It’s nice to meet you…er…”

“Kenji, I’m Tsukino’s father. Nice to finally talk to you. My wife is out with my daughter at the moment, is something wrong?” Kenji didn’t like the ominous feeling in the air.

“Tsukino is in the hospital.”

Kenji blurted out, “What! When did this happen?” Is she okay? Will she be okay? Is it something serious? Come on, tell me!

“Earlier today, she passed out when we were making lunch. I don’t want you to think I did something because I would never, ever hurt her. The doctor said it was stress related. She’s been so stressed out she hasn’t eaten or slept.”

Kenji felt something heavy settle in the pit of his stomach. “Stress, I see. How is she?”

“She’s sleeping right now.”

“Who’s there?”

“Minako, Rumiko, and my friend Takeshi,”

Kenji gave a small smile. I knew they would be there. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“I have to tell you the room--”

“It’s okay. I’ll find her room number when I get there. Keep her company, until we get there.”

“I will,”



“Thank you,”

“You’re welcome,”


“Bye,” Kenji placed the phone back on the receiver with a frown. Tsukino was in the hospital from stress. It didn’t feel real. He knew Tsukino wasn’t herself the night they visited Miki. He felt the reason for Miki’s attitude was quite silly, but he followed along with Saya. That night to avoid boredom and snapping at Miki, he talked to Tsukino. He remembered when Tsukino mentioned a young man. It was brief, but it was there.

Kenji grinned at the memory of Tsukino’s smile and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about him. It was good to have a name and voice to the person Tsukino described. Kenji had a good impression of Kazu. Kazu had enough manners to call them about Tsukino, that sounded like the right guy for her.

However, Kazu had to call. It wasn’t Tsukino and her bubbly voice on the other end. Kenji drew his lips into a thin line as his stomach twisted in knots. He knew who caused Tsukino the most stress. It was something he didn’t mention because he thought it would stop. He was wrong and his cowardice to stop it caused Tsukino to…

Kenji shook his head, trying to get the image of Tsukino hooked up to machines out. He looked up as the front door opened and Saya and Miki walked in with shopping bags.

“I can’t believe we got so much. Are you sure this is okay?” Saya asked.

“It’s fine mom. Kojiro doesn’t mind, he has to make it to me anyway.” Miki grinned. “Besides, this is only pocket change for him.” She placed her bags down. “I bought Tsuki a few outfits. I only hope she wears them this time.”

“I do too.” Saya looked over at Kenji. “Hi sweetheart,” Her smile faltered at the frown on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“I got a call from Tsukino’s boyfriend.” Kazu glared at the surprised look on Saya and Miki’s faces. “Yes, boyfriend, Tsuki is in the hospital.”

“What? What happened?” Saya asked.

“The doctor said she passed out due to stress. I wonder where she received it.”

“It must be work. They do work her to death down there for little to nothing. I told her that she should sell one of those silly drawings, but she won’t listen to me and--” Miki started when Kenji cut her off. “She didn’t get it from work.”

“Where did she get it then?” Saya asked.

“I think the years of being compared to Miki is a start.” Kenji spat.

Saya narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Saya, I’m not an idiot. I knew what was going on the whole time. I am a fool for not stopping it, but it stops today. We’re going to visit Tsuki and apologize for our actions. She only passed out this time. What if it’s something worse? I’m not going to let that happen.” Kenji walked over to the closet. “We’re going to hospital now.”

“But I didn’t do anything to her.” Miki said.

“I think calling her to spend time with you after that “argument” with your husband counts. Now go put your shoes on. Let’s go.” Kenji grabbed his coat.

“That was important and I’m better now. Besides, my feet hurt.” Miki said.

Saya gripped the end of her shirt. “Put your shoes back on.”

“But mom---”

“Miki, put your shoes on right now.” Saya snapped.

Miki narrowed her eyes, but stood up from the chair. She walked over to her shoes as Saya turned to Kenji. “We’re not done talking about this.”

“I know. We’ll talk more about it when we get home.” Kenji walked over to his shoes.

“We will,” Saya agreed, tying her hair back in a ponytail.

Kenji knew Miki and Saya were mad, but he didn’t care. Tsukino was in the hospital because of their foolishness. Kenji wasn’t going to bury her for the same thing. He grabbed his phone, wallet, and car keys, ignoring Saya’s cold stare. He walked to the door and waited for them to join him.

“Ready?” Kenji asked.

“Yes,” Saya’s voice was tight. Kenji narrowed his eyes in response.

Miki sighed. “Ready,” She straightened up at Kenji’s glare.

“Let’s go,” Kenji opened the door. He waited for Saya and Miki to go through before he closed it behind him.

Kenji hoped there was something left to save.

[author] blossomdreams, [topping] cookie crumbs, [challenge] cheeseburger

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