full moon

Oct 26, 2011 00:04

Author: Nathalia
Rating: PG
Challenge: Pumpkin Pie #13 - full moon
Extras / Toppings: caramel, gummy bunnies (500themes: fields of dust), sprinkles
Word Count: 213
Story: Misfits
Summary: Max and Ripley return to the graveyard.
Notes: I will write more about this in November. Probably towards the end of the month. A few months after bare bones.

“Why is it that I had to come along again?” Max complained as he followed Ripley through the gates of the graveyard once again. The last time he had been here, they had stolen a metal box out of a grave along with the bones themselves and tonight, they were planning on doing the same thing once again.

“Grave robbing just isn’t something you do by yourself,” Ripley explained as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Sometimes, Max wasn’t sure why he was friends with him. “Unless you’re Lara Croft of course.”

“You could have brought someone else. Your new girlfriend Regan for example.”

Ripley shook his head and walked down the dark path through the graves with far too much confidence. “You don’t bring girls you like grave robbing, idiot. Has nobody ever taught you that?”

Max decided not to dignify that question with an answer, following his friend.

“Besides, it’s full moon tonight and you can’t sleep anyway,” Ripley reminded him, leaving the gravel path to walk across the lawn and come to stand in front of a grave.

Max stopped beside him and in the soft moonlight, he could read the small gravestone’s inscription clearly above the wreath of flowers that had long dried up.

Leighton West-Barnes.

a reminder on who Leighton is.


[topping] sprinkles, [author] nathalia, [topping] caramel, [topping] gummy bunnies, [challenge] pumpkin pie

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