Pumpkin Pie #1/Rum Raisin #8/Pear #18, Pumpkin Pie #2/Rum Raisin #11

Oct 06, 2011 05:06

Author: Erika
Challenge: Pumpkin Pie #1 - Ghost/Ghost Story, Rum Raisin #8 - Friend, Pear #18 - Bound & Gagged
Toppings/Extras: Caramel, Rainbow Sprinkles (Hunter and Channing)
Word Count: 486
Rating: G
Story: Boys Sensation (this piece is called "Sleepover")
Timeline: Spring 2026
Summary: In an attempt to cure boredom/look cool in front of his friends, Hunter tells them his house is haunted.
Notes: Oh my I had such a hard time with this one. I knew it was either gonna be about Hunter/Channing, or about one of the main four as kids, it was gonna involve a sleepover, and it was originally gonna involve just a ghost story. But, I couldn't get myself to write a convincing ghost story. So it turned into the house being haunted.

Hunter turned on the flashlight and crawled into the makeshift fort comprising of blankets and kitchen chairs. He leaned against the back of one of them and held the flashlight up to his face. He looked around the "fort" at all of his friends, who were sleeping over as part of his tenth birthday celebration. "What do you guys want to do now?"

His best friend shrugged. "I dunno. Tell ghost stories?"

Yet another friend rolled his eyes. "Ugh ghost stories are so boring. Let's do something else."

Hunter put the flashlight onto the floor. "What if I told you there was a real live ghost in my house?"

"Uh huh, yeah, okay Hunter."

"No seriously, I mean it!" Hunter protested, "When you walk out into the kitchen late at night, sometimes you can see her on one of the dining room chairs. Her hands and feet are tied to the chair, and there's a towel in her mouth. It's really, really freaky. She only shows up for a minute or two, then she's gone. I swear, I will show you guys when my moms go to bed."

His friends looked at him. "Dude, you better live up to this promise."

"I will, I will," he looked at the clock. "It's gotta be at least midnight. Will you guys stay up?"

"Anything to prove you wrong, Hunter. Anything to prove you wrong."

They played board games by flashlight, and traded Pokemon to keep themselves up, but right as the clock struck midnight they snuck out of Hunter's room and headed downstairs to the dining room to catch the ghost.

"You better not be lying, Hunter!" one of the boys said, "Cause if you are, I will tell the whole school you're a liar, liar pants on fire."

"I'm not lying!" he pouted, "We'll see her."

They heard footsteps, jumping at them. They slowly turned their heads, thinking it might be the ghost. But when they realized it couldn't be the ghost, she'd be tied to the chair, they realized it was Channing.

"Channing, what are you doing up?" Hunter asked.

"Wanted to see what you were doing."

"We're doing big kid stuff you wouldn't..." Hunter started, but stopped as his eyes moved past the dining room table, "Guys, look!"

Everyone, including Channing, turned and looked in the direction Hunter was looking and that's when they swore they saw her. She was there, vaguely, but you could see

her: the ropes around her wrists and ankles, binding her to the chair, the towel stuffed into her mouth to keep her quiet, her struggling to break free. They even thought they might be able to hear her try to scream.

The boys ran back to Hunter's room so fast they probably left skid marks on the hardwood.

That Monday at school, instead of being a "liar, liar pants on fire," Hunter was the most popular kid in school.

Author: Erika
Challenge: Pumpkin Pie #2 - Witchcraft/Supernatural, Rum Raisin #11 - Messenger
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Story: Midway Connections (index post forthcoming, this piece is called "The Mission")
Timeline: 2010
Summary: Tabitha learns her mission.
Notes: New story guys! This one was my 2010 NaNoWriMo, and deals with people who can see and talk to beings known as midwayers (who apparently are a legitimate phenomenon). I only used the actual phenomenon as a guide, and developed it a lot more, to include other supernatural ideas (like characters being able to go back and forth between our world and the midwayer world, and stuff). And I'll be honest, knowing this is necessary to understand why I claimed the Pumpkin Pie prompt since it's so short. Now to write a "Potion" fic and I'm caught up. \o/

How are you today?

The words shook Tabitha from her thoughts. The fact she hadn't typed them meant she knew exactly what was up. "Keith?" she swallowed a bit.

Yeah, I'm here. Who else would it be?

"Right, right," Tabitha shrugged, "What's up?"

I have another message for you.


A mission, in fact. It has become time for our species, for lack of a better term, to finally reproduce. And that is what you're here for. To help us reproduce. Details will be forthcoming. Are you ready?

Tabitha read the words and knew she that was ready for this.

[challenge] pear, [challenge] rum raisin, [topping] sprinkles, [topping] caramel, [extra] pocky, [challenge] pumpkin pie

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