FOTD, Sea Salt 1, Poached Pear 12: Fox Hair and Sea Eyes

Oct 03, 2011 23:19

Title: Fox Hair and Sea Eyes
Main Story: In The Heart -- EPIC PIRATE AU
Flavors, Toppings, Extras: FOTD (billow: rise or roll in or like a great wave; surge, to swell out, puff up, etc., as by the action of wind, a great wave or surge of the sea.), sea salt 1 (ocean/sea), poached pear 12 (fortune & glory), malt (SC 310: "I don’t want to live where the sky is small; I want to write my name across the stars." - Seanan McGuire), cherry (fairy tale), chopped nuts (EPIC PIRATE AU), fresh pineapple (I would rather be wrong/Than live in the shadows of your song/My mind is open wide/And now I'm ready to start - Ready to Start, Arcade Fire).
Word Count: 395
Rating: PG.
Summary: Every story has its beginnings.
Notes: The genre du jour is fairy tale, but this is more written like one than actually being one. Basically I just really like the phrase "red fox hair."

A long time ago in a far away land, there was a woman with hair the color of red fox fur and eyes the color of the sea. It was fitting; she had been birthed on a ship, and bred on a ship, 'til she walked more easily on the folds and billows of the waves than she did on steady dry land. She climbed the rigging like most children climbed trees, read the water and the sky like some read books.

Like the sea she was beautiful, with her red fox hair and her eyes like the water; like the sea she loved no man. Like the sea she was changeable, one moment angry, the next serene, ruthless and kind; all were in her heart.

She was a daughter, to a man and a woman who loved the sea as dearly as she did. She was a sister, to a son of the waves and a daughter of the sky. She was a lover, to a woman with hair the gold of the sun and eyes like sapphires.

She was a pirate, the queen of the Caribbean. She was an angel of death and an angel of mercy, sometimes both to the same person. She stole money but rarely lives; jewels, but never virtues. She was feared and loved and hated and hailed. Her red fox hair was famous.

And once she was a girl.

Once she stood on the bridge of a ship that was suddenly hers to command, and felt the full weight of fear on her shoulders. Once she leaned over the rail and looked at the faces of the men who were now hers, and wondered if she could hold them. Once she was uncertain.

Once she held the wheel in calloused hands and looked to the horizon, the waves rolling ever outward, and read her destiny in the sea and the sky and the blur where they met, so very far away.

She spun the wheel to the west, towards the setting sun that melted gold and red in the sapphire of the sky and the blue-green ocean waters. She ordered the sails raised, to catch the fair wind at her back and the good wishes of her family, and she sailed toward tomorrow, her red fox hair catching the last dying rays of light.

She never looked back.

[topping] chopped nuts, [extra] malt, [challenge] sea salt, [inactive-author] bookblather, [extra] fresh fruit : pineapple, [challenge] poached pear, [topping] cherry, [challenge] flavor of the day

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