Title: Punctilious
Main Story:
In The Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: FOTD (punctilious: Strictly attentive to the details of form in action or conduct; precise; exact in the smallest particulars.), malt (Rusty's truth or dare: What's Summer's biggest fixation?), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: G.
Summary: Summer pays attention.
Notes: I had to do something for this FOTD.
Summer pays attention.
She has to. Her whole life, she's been different. Not wrong-- Mama is very strict about that and Summer agrees, sometimes-- but different, so she has to pay attention. Other people just know, but she doesn't; she must pay attention or she won't know when a gesture means this and not that, when a smile is kind and when it is mocking.
She isn't very good at it yet.
But she keeps trying. She keeps her head down, she controls what she can, she pays attention.
And she closes the door to her room when she cries.