Pistachio #23 with Malt

Sep 15, 2011 22:55

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Pistachio #23 (recouperating)
Story Arc: Pleasant Surprise
Title: Try to Relax
Extras: Malt (Summer Challenge 2011 #51: "What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do…?"
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Summary: Zero tries to get a sick Adam to relax.
Word count: 952
Notes: I'm probably using the malt prompt loosely, but I think it went with the piece. In this world demons are immune to human germs, but they're able to get a few germs in their community. I hope that makes sense. This is also a fact to have more fluff between these two. ^^ Well enjoy!

Adam walked down the stairs as quietly as possible. He had to check his email on the progress of the dictionary. He trusted Tabitha to get her job done, but his trust stretch thin for a few people on their team. Adam had to make sure that the dictionary wouldn’t be lost. He couldn’t afford to have all his hard work disappear.

Adam held onto the wall when a dizzy spell passed through him. He hated that he got sick during the editing stages, but it wouldn’t stop him from working. Adam grinned successfully when he reached the library. He made it to the chair when someone tapped his shoulder.

“Don’t you think you should be resting right now?”

Adam rubbed the back of his neck as he looked up at Zero. “B-But I have so much to do. I can’t afford to get sick now!” He sneezed, shooting out flame in the process.

Zero shook his head. “You’re still sneezing up fire. I think you should go back to bed. Your mom will kill me if she found out I let you get away.”

Adam pouted. “B-But I can’t just sleep in bed all day. I have to go over the pages for the verbs. Not to mention check over the adjectives and then there is the references I have to put in and--”

“You finally stopped throwing up the soup we gave you. You can sleep without any problems. Your fever has gone down, but you’re still sneezing fire. You’ll burn the computer before you know it. If you don’t start recouperating, Alene will have both our heads.”

Adam sighed in defeat. “You’re right. I guess I’ll just have to trust my team.”

Zero smiled. “It’s good to have faith in your team. That way you can finally sleep.”

“Yeah, guess I can. I’ll get up, after I check my email.” Adam moved to turn on the computer.

“I hate to do this to you.” Zero walked over and picked Adam up.

Adam squirmed halfheartedly in Zero’s arms. “Let me go!” he whined.

“I will, when I put you back in bed.” Zero walked out the library with a frowning Adam.

“I know my mom can be scary, but she’s not that bad.”

Zero looked at Adam in disbelief. “This is the same woman who burned an examination room of the doctor who misdiagnosed you.”

“Well, she was angry. She does things like that when she’s angry.” Adam laid his head on Zero’s chest. His eyes suddenly felt heavy.

“That’s exactly my point. Alene may like me, but I don’t think she would hesitate to burn me if anything happened to you.”

Adam chuckled. “That’s true. My mom is still a bit protective.”

“A bit meaning a lot.” Zero chuckled, going up the stairs to Adam’s room. “When we get to your room will you promise me you’ll go to sleep?”

“Depends. Can I get a new book out of it?”

“You read all the ones by your bed already?”

Adam smiled sheepishly. “Yes. I had no work to do so I caught up with my reading.”

“Did you finish all the books on your list?”

“Not yet, but I won’t say no to a new one, especially a first edition.”

Zero chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do. I’m sure I can the next book in one of the series you follow. Give me the other list and I’ll look for them.”

Adam grinned. “The list is on my desk.” He leaned up and kissed Zero’s cheek. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Zero walked in the room. He placed Adam on his bed then walked over to his desk. Zero picked up the list, his eyes widening at the choices. Adam follows this many series, I can’t believe it. There are over thirty books on here. He looked over to question it when Adam blew his nose then threw the tissue on the pile in the trashcan.

Zero relented and put the paper in his pocket. He wouldn’t tell Adam, but he looked cute with his hair in his face and the slight frown on his lips. He walked over to the bed, looking out for the garbage can on the way. Zero brushed a few strands of hair away from Adam’s face.

“I’ll get started on this list and you go to sleep. I’ll call Antonio if I have to, to make sure you’re asleep.”

Adam pouted. “Not fair, but fine I’ll going to sleep.” He yawned and slid under the covers. “Hopefully, I’ll see a new book when I wake up.”

“You will.”

“Make sure you go to Danny’s bookstore. Give them the list and they’ll help you. They know me there.”

“Can’t I take this list to any bookstore in Coven?”

Adam grinned. “Pretty much,”

Zero chuckled and kissed Adam’s cheek. “I’ll let you sleep now.”


“Good night.”


Zero reached underneath Adam’s pillow and pulled out his phone. He waved it before slipping it in his pocket. “Just in case you get any ideas,”

“How did you…?”

“I know.” Zero kissed him. “I’ll be back. Bye.”

Adam grinned. “Bye.” He watched Zero walk out the room then snuggled against the covers.

It didn’t take long for Adam to fall asleep. He woke up a few hours later to use the bathroom. When he walked back in the room, he noticed the books on the nightstand. Adam grinned and picked the first one up from the pile. His grin widened at the first edition tag on the front.

Zero, I have to tell you how amazing you are when you return.

Getting sick sucked, but at least he had an excuse to read all day.

[author] blossomdreams, [extra] malt, [challenge] pistachio

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