Cola 17, Poached Pear 20: Lapdance

Aug 30, 2011 22:10

Author: Nikki and Bookblather
Challenge: Nikki: Cola #17 (it takes a licking and keeps on ticking), Bookblather: Poached pear 20 (rock & roll).
Toppings/Extras: Chopped Nuts, Sprinkles (Joy for Bookblather), Malt (Summer challenge 263 You're trying to seduce me, aren't you?), Smoothie, Brownie
Word Count: 6,848
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Graphic sex. FYI.
Story: Second Genesis - Threesome AU and In the Heart.
Summary: Chloe finally gets that lapdance.

When the driver shut the car door behind her, Chloe pulled her phone out of her purse and thoughtfully tapped it against her lips. In rapid succession, she sent off two text messages. The first told Kurt to expect her to be late getting in for work, and that she’d check back later. The second was sent to Joy.

Put on something pretty. I have a surprise.

She tucked her phone away as the driver got into the car and asked where she was going. Smiling, Chloe smoothed the skirt of her dress over her knees (white with a red and pink cherry print, tight around her waist and breasts, and flowing to her knees. Chloe personally adored it) and told him the address for Joy’s apartment.

Thanks to traffic, it was a bit of a drive, which Chloe oddly didn’t mind. It gave her time to plan the night out, even though thinking too far into certain things made a warm ache pulse low in her stomach. When she finally reached Joy’s building, she snapped back into Cherry mode as soon as the driver walked around to open the door for her. Her heels (cherry red open-toed platforms, nearly six inches tall) clicked sharply against the lobby floor, and then the stairwell as she made her way to the fifth floor like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Any chaos she left in her wake was one hundred percent ignored. Checking to make sure she was satisfied with her hair and make-up one last time in a compact mirror, Chloe dropped it back in her purse and knocked on the front door.


Joy had been spending her day off profitably by stretching, doing her nails, and watching TV when she got the text.

Her pulse rate immediately kicked up a few notches, and she went to her closet, flipped through her clothes. She didn't want to wear any of her stripping outfits (day off, after all), and she didn't have much else that was pretty... except...

She smiled, and took the pink dress from the closet.

The knock on her door came so much later that she'd actually had time to calm down a little bit. Of course, that went straight out the window the moment she opened the door and saw Chloe there in a gorgeous cherry-printed dress, smiling at her like Cherry, looking so completely out of place in Joy's crappy building that Joy almost felt ashamed.

"Hi," she said, feeling suddenly kind of shy.

Chloe raked Joy up and down with her gaze, her smile slowly widening. “You look fucking amazing,” she answered in her Cherry voice, catching her bottom lip between her teeth. “Mind if I come in?”

That look combined with that fucking voice shot straight to Joy's groin, and she forgot her shyness entirely. "Thanks," she said, running a hand down her curves, nicely displayed by tight pink satin. "You're looking well yourself. Please, be welcome in my terrible apartment." She stepped back and beckoned to her tiny living room.

"You live here. It can't be all that terrible," Chloe coyly responded. She dropped her purse and shut the door behind her after walking into the apartment, before she wrapped an arm low around Joy's waist to pull her close. Chloe just barely brushed her lips over Joy's in a soft kiss, her smile teasing. "Hi."

"Hi," Joy breathed back, smiling into Chloe's face so close to hers. "I take it you had a good day."

“Extremely,” she said, continuing to talk in the lower, slightly sensual voice she was partially infamous for. Her fingers teasingly chased over Joy’s curves as she talked. “So I thought we’d celebrate. What do you say about giving me that lap dance, and then I’ll make you come so hard you scream, before taking you out to dinner?”

Well, damn. If Joy hadn't been turned on before, she sure as hell was now. "I don't know," she teased, lowering her eyelashes and looking up at Chloe through them. Kind of a weird experience to be looking up at someone who was actually shorter than her, but that was what happened when you didn't wear shoes. "What's in it for me?"

Besides the chance to give Chloe-- or Cherry-- a lap dance. Next to that opportunity the promised orgasm was almost secondary.

Laughing, Chloe stepped out of her shoes to even them out and kissed Joy again afterwards. “Sex and dinner isn’t enough? Greedy,” she mock scolded and lightly swatted at her ass. “Well, if just little old me isn’t enough for you, we can always go back to my apartment after dinner and find Kurt...”

Joy dropped the act and laughed. "No perks necessary. I am happy to give you a lapdance in exchange for an orgasm. On one condition..." She trailed off, and let her fingers dance lightly down Chloe's shoulders, dipping near her breasts but never quite touching.

Chloe’s eyes fell halfway close, a sound close to a purr escaping her. Slowly, deliberately, she licked her lips. “And what’s that, darling?” she asked, allowing lust to lower her voice even more.

Joy smiled her best catlike smile, smug and self-satisfied. "Oh, nothing you'll find too difficult," she assured Chloe, letting her fingers slip a little lower and caress the top of Chloe's breasts. "I just want to fulfill a little fantasy of mine." She inched forward, leaned in very close, nipped Chloe's earlobe, and breathed into her ear, "I want to give the lapdance to Cherry."

Chloe breathed a sound that was almost a moan, before she turned her head to grin at Joy and changed in an instant. Her back straightened, her chest pushed out, and she was a little - a lot - more domineering than she had been a moment before. She laughed again, Cherry’s laugh this time. “Oh, babe. What do you think I had in mind when I came over?”

Joy damn near purred. She did let her smile widen and become more lascivious. "Then you'd better sit down and make yourself comfortable, hadn't you?" She stepped backwards towards her bedroom, inching the tight satin of her dress down her shoulders. "I'm going to slip into something a little more lapdance-friendly. And Cherry?" She paused at the door of her bedroom, smiling over her shoulder. "No rules."

Cherry smirked. “I can work with that. I think I might fuck," and she poured as much temptation and seduction into that one word as she could, “you like this, too.”

Joy, who'd left the door half open so she could talk to Cherry while she changed, shuddered at the sound. "Really?" she called back, in her best seductive tones. "Well, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?" As rejoinders went, it wasn't very good, but Joy didn't think she could be expected to come up with something good when Cherry was talking to her like that. The things that voice did to her knees... well. Soon she'd be giving a lapdance. Then they'd see who was in charge.

Knowing that point had gone to her, Cherry grinned and cast an appreciative glance around the apartment. “Oh, I don’t know so much about waiting,” she answered. “I’m an impatient person, you see.”

"Hmm," Joy said, wriggling out of the dress and into a short, shimmery skirt. She liked dancing in this one particularly because it gave her space to move her legs, and the sparkles looked good dancing with her hips. For the top, she just went with a bikini top in the same color. No sense being complicated when she was only going to lose it as soon as possible.

And she didn't even bother with underwear.

She came to the door, paused just out of Cherry's line of sight, and called, "Are you comfortable?"

Cherry took that as her cue to sit, taking a seat in the middle of the couch. She crossed her legs and smoothed her skirt over her knees on habit before answering. “Very much."

"Good," Joy said, and walked into view, giving the little extra swish of her hips that sent the skirt dancing and sparkling around her hips. It rather attracted the eye, she thought smugly. "Any preferences for music?"

Cherry’s eyes darkened as soon as she saw Joy, and she looked Joy over like was memorizing her. “Surprise me,” she answered, voice sinful.

Joy smiled at her, her catlike coquette's smile, then turned and made her hip-swaying way to the CD player. She bent over very deliberately to put in the chosen CD, then stood up and came back to Cherry, balancing one bare foot on the couch between Cherry's legs. "I'm ready when you are."

"Hm," Cherry noncommittally murmured. She placed a hand on the top of Joy’s knee, sliding it up along her thigh as she slowly smiled. “That could be taken in quite a few ways.”

Joy smirked back at her, leaning subtly forward so the muscle beneath Cherry's hand tensed. "I should hope so," she said. "And I'll let you wonder which I meant."

She stepped backwards, pulling her leg gently from Cherry's hands, and struck a pose, hip cocked sharply to the right, shoulders back, chin tipped down, giving Cherry her best smouldering look. "Here we go," she said.

On cue, the CD player burst into life-- Lady Gaga, Judas.

You asked, my darling.

A smile spread across Chloe's face as the song started, her eyes lighting up. "You remembered," she said, both impressed and surprised.

oy let her smile speak for her, then closed her eyes, threw her head back and let the music take her, the beat catching at her hips first, swinging them hard back and forth, then at her head, her shoulders, her belly, her arms. The first verse, she'd decided, was for her, just her and the music.

The second verse... well, that was for Cherry. And so was everything after.

Cherry was completely fine with only watching Joy dance, her heartbeat matching the music until the beat pounded throughout her body. When Joy made it to her, Chloe stood up to kiss her, her hands tangling in Joy's hair as she almost instinctively starting to dance with her, hips moved back against hers in time to the beat.

Joy let her get away with that for a moment or two, then broke the kiss, put her hands on Cherry's shoulders and pushed her gently back down to the couch. "Naughty, naughty," she purred. "It's not a lapdance if you're not sitting down."

She pouted, hunching over and purposefully pressing her breasts out. "But it's music. It's hard not to dance," she answered, slightly whining. After a moment, she wickedly grinned. "I guess you'll have to distract me with something else, gorgeous."

Joy arched an eyebrow, spun, and under cover of her hair undid the back of her bikini top, holding it together with two fingers. "What did you have in mind?" she asked. "Something like this?"

She released the strings and let the top drop from her body.

Cherry let her breath out in a rush, running her hand up Joy's spine. "Something like it," she said. "Turn around, Joy. I want to see you."

"I could do that," Joy said, thoughtfully, her hips still working against the beat. "Or I could torture you." She shot Cherry a smirk over her shoulder, then bent backwards, almost but not quite landing in Cherry's lap. She wiggled her hips sensuously and stood up again, still keeping her back to Cherry. "Which would you prefer?"

Cherry was tempted to pout. Instead, she trailed her hand down Joy's back to roughly grab her ass. "Can't you do both?"

Joy bit back a whimper at the hand on her ass. "Hmm," she said, pretending to consider. "Well, I suppose."

And with that, she whipped around, put one leg up on the couch by Cherry, leaned in, and kissed her, hard. She purred in contentment as she kissed back enthusiastically, running her hand up Joy's leg. Cherry didn't waste any time in grabbing one of Joy's breasts, palming her nipple as she kneaded them.

"You really do have the most amazing tits."

"Why thank you," Joy said, leaning over and shaking them in Cherry's face as a reward for the compliment. "I am rather proud of them." Prouder of some other things, though. She reached for the tie to her skirt, and let her hand hover teasingly over it. "Are you ready for more, baby?"

Cherry looked up at Joy with smoldering eyes, letting her hand drop to caress the muscles of Joy's stomach above her skirt. "Am I going to have to wait to go down on you?" she asked, curious. "Or could I start when your skirt is gone?"

Joy kept her feet at that thought, but it was a narrow thing. "You're going to have to wait if you want me not to fall over," she said.

But then again, that might be Cherry's goal...

Oh, what the hell. Joy yanked at the tie and let the skirt flutter away.

Cherry smiled, all sin and seduction before she slowly dragged her gaze down Joy's body. "I do want to see you dance..." she murmured, leaning forward to kiss under Joy's bellybutton. "But you are so fucking gorgeous. It's a hard decision."

Joy smirked down at her, then took a half-step back. "Maybe I should just remove the temptation," she teased, giving her hips a quick flirty twist.

In the background, Lady Gaga's voice was rising to a climax. Good. Soon the song would be over, and then it would be Joy's turn for a climax.

Cherry kept her eyes on Joy completely, following every dance move with her gaze. "The temptation is there even when you aren't around, beautiful," she coyly answered, making sure her skirt rode up her thighs as she recrossed her legs.

"Then I'll just make you beg, I think," Joy said, and threw herself into the last thirty seconds of the song.

Cherry dove at Joy the moment the song was over, kissing her roughly and tangling her fingers deep in her hair. "Fucking gorgeous," she murmured into the kiss. "Especially how you dance." She pulled back after a moment when she thought of something. Grinning, she licked her lips and lightly dragged her nails down Joy's back until she reached her ass. "Can I dance for you, later?"

"You can dance for me any time you want," Joy said, arching into Cherry's touch. She liked this side of Chloe more than she'd expected, hot liquid pulses of desire racing up and down her back and legs.

Then an idea occurred to her, and she smiled, leaned in and nibbled on Cherry's earlobe. "You know what we should do, Cherry? We should dress up and do an act for Kurt. You and me. And he can't touch."

Cherry murmured an approving and pleasured sound as she started to trail kisses down Joy's neck and collarbone, moving her hands to cup and massage Joy's breasts. "You want to make him watch us?" she teased, before she lowered herself to her knees in front of Joy and kissed her on the stomach again. "I can't say I hate the idea."

"I want..." Joy sighed with pleasure, wound her hands into Cherry's hair and arched her hips forward, as the CD player in the background pounded out the next song. "I want to make him watch us. I want to make him want us. I want us to make him come without ever touching him. And I want to make you scream."

She smiled slowly, nipping just below Joy's bellybutton and running her hands up Joy's legs. "I think we can manage that," Cherry answered, kissing the inside of Joy's thigh. "The last we can do after I take care of you. The second already happens. We can work on the others."

"We can do the others," Joy answered, giving Cherry a slow, lazy smile. "My God. Do you have any idea what you do to me with that voice?"

Laughing lowly, she slid her hand the last few inches up Joy's thigh, lightly stroking her with two fingers as she teasingly brushed her thumb over Joy's clit. "Considering how wet you are, I have an idea," Cherry teased, before her voice became even more sensual. "God, your pussy is amazing. You know that?" She pushed two fingers into Joy, pumping them in and out of her slowly. "It's perfect. It's the fucking prettiest thing I've ever seen."

Joy whimpered, and locked her knees to keep from falling over. The sensations were incredible-- Cherry knew exactly where and how hard to touch, and that fucking voice... Joy had an almost Pavlovian response to it, and she had the feeling Cherry knew that.

"Don't stop talking," she said, breathlessly, urging her hips forward in time with Cherry's fingers and the beat of the song. "Don't stop talking."

Cherry smirked and looked up to meet Joy's eyes, moving her fingers even faster. "Don't stop talking about what? How tight and wet you are?" she asked, before leaning forward and, keeping her gaze, slowly licked Joy. "How good you taste?"

Joy choked off another whimper at her voice, the touch of her tongue, everything. "About..." She gasped, threw her head back, did multiplication problems in her head, anything not to fall over. "About anything. Fuck, yes, just like that."

She breathed a laugh, comfortingly running her hands down the back of Joy's legs. "Lay down, baby. I'm not going to be a reason you get hurt."

"Not on the floor," Joy said, regaining a little of her ability to think now that Cherry was no longer quite so close. "Not when I have such a nice bed so close."

Her bedroom wasn't nearly as nice as Chloe and Kurt's, and the bed not nearly as big, but there was still something strangely intimate about leading Cherry into it, about lying down on the quilt her mother had made for her, spreading her legs and posing herself as sexily as she could, and giving Cherry an expectant look.

Well. She'd think about that later.

Cherry paused at the foot of the bed, eyes smoldering as she looked Joy over before she shimmied out of the dress and nearly transparent red lace she wore underneath. "I wasn't lying, when I said you were gorgeous." Climbing up on the bed, she leaned down to place a kiss on the inside of Joy's ankle, nibbling and licking up Joy's leg. "You are one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen." When Cherry had settled in-between her thighs, she grinned up at Joy for a moment, teasing. "That includes me."

And there went her reasoning capacities again. Joy let them go gladly. "You know you're the most beautiful person I've ever met," she said, propping herself up on a pillow so she could watch. "Hands down. And you are so goddamned sexy as Cherry." She managed a semblance of a sexy smile. "You know you make me wet just talking in that voice? You don't have to touch me or even be around. I hear you on the radio, I get wet."

A little bit of Chloe came through when Cherry smiled after that. "Want me to sing for you later?"

"Honey," Joy said, honestly, "any time you want to sing for me, I am happy to hear you." Except when you're supposed to be eating me out. But she didn't say that. Not yet.

"Liar." Cherry seemed amused when she answered, as if she had read Joy's mind. She pushed her hair out of her face, over one shoulder, before she ducked her head to start to lick Joy again. Cherry kept her eyes focused on Joy until they finally fluttered shut and she focused on her task completely.

"It wasn't that much of a lie," Joy pointed out, and then stopped caring about anything either of them might have said, because Cherry had gone back to what she was doing and the feeling was incredible. She held Cherry's gaze for as long as she could; those intense eyes made her hotter, wetter, made the throbbing in her body concentrate and tighten.

When Cherry closed them to concentrate, it was all Joy could do not to come right then. She let her head fall back on the pillow and moaned, arching her hips upward again.

Cherry slid her hands up Joy’s thighs to grab her by the hips and push her back down against the bed. “Not yet,” she said - practically commanded, really - before just barely scraping her teeth over Joy’s clit. “Don’t come until I say so.”

Joy might-- might-- have been annoyed at that preemptory tone if it hadn't been Cherry hovering over her, Cherry's lips and teeth and tongue against her. As it was, every muscle in her body tightened, and she had to bite her lip again to keep from coming.

"And what if I don't listen?" she asked, moving her hips just a little under Cherry's hands.

“You get punished.” Cherry punctuated the sentence with another soft bite, before starting to lick her again. “I won’t let you touch me. No kissing, no holding hands, nothing. Not until after dinner, when we go back home to Kurt.”

She whimpered, writhing under the onslaught. Touch, heat, wetness, that damn voice... "What, no spanking?"

“Oh, of course, but after we get home. Kurt does such a good job at that,” Cherry answered, smiling against Joy’s skin. She pressed two fingers into her again, teasing her. “But would that be worth not being able to touch me, or kiss me, or lick me? You’re the one who wanted to make me scream.”

Joy bit her lip hard, dug her nails into her palms, but the tiny sparks of pain only turned her on more. Don't come, don't come, don't come... "Will he still spank me," she asked, breathlessly, "if I'm very, very good?"

“If you ask him very, very nicely,” Cherry murmured, moving her fingers a bit faster. “Joy, lover, this would end so much faster if you just said, ‘Please.’”

She held on as long as she could, twisting under Cherry, keeping back her cries, but it overwhelmed her, as she'd known it would.

"Please," she whispered.

Cherry sighed against her. “Scream for me, baby,” she coaxing, sucking Joy’s clit in-between her lips as she curled her fingers against Joy’s g-spot.

Joy obeyed.

Well, it was only polite.

When she could muster words again, she smiled her best lascivious smile at Cherry and said, "Baby, you're the best."

Cherry was smug when she smiled back, slowly licking her fingers clean. “I know,” she simply answered, before slowly kissing her way up Joy’s body to kiss her deeply. “I think I might want to take a shower before we go to dinner. Care to join me?”

"Mmm." Joy lifted one leg in the air and stretched it, lazily. "A shower does sound nice. But I get to wash your hair."

Cherry’s smile widened, and she giggled. “Deal. Can you walk?” she asked, still a bit smug. “You were amazing, just so you know.”

Joy snorted, sat up, and swung her legs off the bed. "I can walk fine," she informed Cherry, ignoring the fact that her knees were more than a little wobbly. "Takes more than that to wipe me out." She took any possible sting out of her words by following that up with a long, wet kiss, and adding, "Not that you aren't always spectacular."

“I’m just making sure I’m not wearing you out.” Cherry stood and followed Joy towards the bathroom, kissing the back of her neck with every other step. “I’m sure Kurt has plans for us both, and you know how long he can go for.”

That thought did make Joy's knees go weak, remembering the last time she'd been between Kurt and Chloe, but not for more than a minute. "Oh, I'm sure dinner will get my energy up," she said, casually, turning quickly and catching Cherry's next kiss on her lips. "Besides," she added, "making somebody come gives me energy too."

Cherry grinned, slowly. “Do you think that’ll give you enough energy for him? Because part of me is tempted to leave the two of you to yourselves for a little while, just to see how it goes. You've never had Kurt focusing on just you before. He can fuck you until you've lost track of how many times you've come and you can't see straight." She pushed Joy back against the wall, kissing her deeply. "And I'm speaking from experience."

Joy kissed her back, deeply, twining her hands deep in Cherry's hair for a moment before she pulled away and grinned at her. "Oh, I'll just bet you are. And I'm up for anything you are--" She paused, licked her lips, and said, "--just as long as you watch."

After a beat of silence, she let her grin turn mischievous. "Now get into the shower. I've got plans for you." She slipped out of Cherry's hold, smacked her ass playfully, and danced into the bathroom.

Cherry kissed the side of Joy's neck when she reached past her to turn on the shower. "I could say the exact same thing to you," she lowly answered, before slapping Joy's ass, a bit rougher than playfully. "It'll have to wait until later, but that just gives me more time to think."

"That's right," Joy teased, sliding past her and into the water. The water was shockingly cold, as it always was before it warmed up, and her nipples pebbled immediately. "You make your plans while I carry mine out. We could just keep doing that forever, you know."

Not that she'd object to that.

Shivering a bit when she stepped into the shower, Cherry pressed against Joy while the water warmed up, kissing her hard. "And your plans for me are what, exactly? You know about mine, and fair is fair, lover."

Joy made her eyes wide and dewy, full of innocence. "My plans?" she repeated. "Cherry, I already told you my plans!" She wrapped both arms around the other woman's waist, enjoying the feeling of skin slick on wet skin.

"That look has absolutely no effect on me," Cherry murmured, running her fingers through Joy's hair. "And you told me that you wanted to make me scream. I don't remember you telling me how exactly you would do that."

"I hadn't planned beyond that at the time," Joy said, turning Cherry so that she faced the back of the shower, the water spraying on her back.

Cherry tsked. "Bad Joy." Pulling her hair over one shoulder, she relaxed as the shower and hot water did their jobs. "I know I had you a bit preoccupied, but not even a smidge of an idea for what you really wanted to do to me?"

"Oh, I had ideas." Joy slid her hands up Cherry's sides, skimming her breasts teasingly, then moved down her arms until she could link their hands. Then she drew Cherry's hands up above her head, placing them flat against the tile. "But I didn't have any concrete plans until now."

Cherry leaned against the wall, resting more of her weight on her forearms, and wiggled her hips back towards Joy. "Can I guess them?" she asked, smiling at Joy over her shoulder.

"If you want," Joy said, sliding her hands down Cherry's arms and back down to cup her breasts. She was very fond of Cherry's breasts, round and firm in her hands. "Maybe we could play hot and cold."

"How do you play that?" Cherry asked, whimpering. "Though if you don't start doing something to make me come soon, baby…"

Joy smiled, and kissed the back of Cherry's neck. "It's really easy," she explained, kissing her way up Cherry's jaw between words. "You guess, and I tell you if you're hot..." she rolled Cherry's nipple gently between her fingers, "or cold."

Turning her head to give Joy better access to her jaw and neck, Cherry moaned softly. "Are you going to lick me?" she asked, reaching up to tangle a hand in Joy's hair.

"The thought had occured to me," Joy purred, and flicked her tongue against Cherry's skin. "I do love the way to taste. But no, I'm saving that for later. Cold." She pinched Cherry's nipple, sharply.

She arched into Joy's touch, whimpering. "You'll do that while Kurt fucks you, I think," she murmured, breathless. "Fuck me with your fingers?"

Ooh." Joy ground her hips against Cherry's, approvingly, and slipped a hand down her stomach to hover teasingly against her thighs. "Hot, hot, hot. Just like you."

Cherry moaned louder, pressing back against Joy as she spread her legs. "Then get to it," she murmured, a touch impatiently.

Joy ran a forefinger through the curls between Cherry's legs, but drew back before she hit anything good. "Ah, ah, ah," she said, and pinched Cherry's nipples again. "No giving orders. I'm in charge here."

"Joy," Cherry answered, half moan and half whine. "I've been wet since you started dancing. If you don't do something soon, Kurt and I are going to punish you and bring you to bed with no dinner."

Joy bit back a moan at the thought of Cherry, wet and willing, and kept her tone even with an effort. "You call that a punishment, Cherry? When you want to punish someone, you spank them." She slapped Cherry's ass, not too lightly, then snaked her hand back around to the front, walking her fingers over Cherry's thighs. "Now what's the magic word?"

"You'd get that," she murmured, rocking her hips against Joy's touch. "You'll get that either way, but..." Cherry trailed off, whimpering. "We'd make you watch us after, no touching yourself, not until Kurt was done. And he can last for what seems like for-fucking-ever if he wants to."

Joy managed not to whimper.


"I still haven't heard the magic word," she sing-songed, tracing baroque patterns on the inside of Cherry's thighs.

Moaning in frustration, Cherry stubbornly shook her head. "Make me," she answered, throwing Joy's words from a few days ago in her face.

Joy arched her eyebrows, and hid an enormous grin in Cherry's neck.

"All right, then," she said, sweetly, and began to trace intricate designs over Cherry's thighs, hips, stomach, ass... everywhere, except where she was wanted. Cherry moaned in frustration, before she reached back and managed to grab Joy by the hips, pulling her closer to grind back against her. "Ah-ah-ah. Don't touch," Joy said. She took Cherry's hands and put them back on the wall, then resumed the slow, fluttering teasing movements. "All you have to do is say please, sweetie."

Cherry whimpered, pressing her thighs together for some sort of friction, and finally gave in. "Please," she murmured, pressing back against Joy again.

"Much better," Joy said, and without warning plunged two fingers inside Cherry, swirling a third around her clit. She moaned breathlessly, slowly moving her hips against Joy's hand.

"More," Cherry told her, almost pleading again.

Joy smiled rather smugly into Cherry's neck. "Anything you say, darling," she said, and began to move her fingers in a slow, hard rhythm, curling them carefully, searching for the spot that would make her lover scream. She planted tiny kisses along Cherry's neck as she did, and bit gently here and there, randomly. Cherry moaned and rolled her hips in time with Joy's movements, almost clawing at the wall with a sudden cry when Joy hit the right spot. Yes. It was kind of nice to be able to dish out a little of what she'd taken. Joy let her smile widen, and moved her free hand back to Cherry's breasts, massaging and pinching every so often. "You like that?" she breathed into Cherry's ear, then bit gently at her lobe.

"Isn't it obvious?" Cherry answered, hissing in pleasure. She rocked her hips harder against Joy's hand, and her back arched. "God, you're fucking amazing, you know that?"

"I try." Her fingers circled around and around, in and out, familiar rhythms made new and exciting just by this woman and this place and the hot water slicking down her back. Joy pushed against Cherry's back, grinding her hips forward. "Come on, Cherry. Come for me now. I want to hear you come." Those must have been the magic words. Cherry's hands scrabbled at the walls as she trembled, her voice rising. She leaned more of her weight against the wall as she started to come down, her legs shaking. Heat spiraled up Joy's spine. She shivered in sympathy, wrapped an arm around Cherry's waist to help support her, and pressed harder against her. "Say my name," she breathed, in Cherry's ear. "Come on. Say it."

Rolling her head back to rest on Joy's shoulder, Cherry's voice was quiet when she answered, almost breathless. "Joy," she murmured, before she sighed. Turning her head, she kissed Joy's neck. Her voice was normal again when she spoke, her lips moving against Joy's skin. "I love you."

Joy froze, physically and mentally.


"...really?" she managed, after a minute.

"Yes." Chloe was still quiet when she answered, looking at Joy almost worriedly and nervously chewing on the inside of her lip. "Is that okay?"

"It's okay," Joy said, happiness bubbling up in her stomach. "It's more than okay. Only..." She hesitated. "I... Kurt."

"He isn't as silly about things as I am." Turning around, Chloe wrapped her arms around Joy's neck, leaning into her. "I know he's attracted to you - so do you - but I know he likes you for more than that. Maybe more than likes, but," Chloe shrugged and kissed joy lightly, "like I said, he's not as silly as I am. He won't say it as fast."

Which hadn't been Joy's question, not really, but it answered it just the same. "Good," Joy said, and relaxed. "Because I love you too, and I love you two together, and..." And how did she say that without sounding patronizing?

"And you want to keep us?" Chloe asked, smiling.

An answering smile crossed her lips. "Or be kept. Whichever you prefer."

Chloe nipped at Joy's bottom lip. "Greedy," she teased in Cherry's voice for a moment. "So, I can take you clothes shopping? I like doing that. It's like finding fun wrapping paper for my favorite presents."

Joy giggled, and leaned in for another quick kiss. "Sure," she said. "But only if we get to go lingerie shopping as well." She let her voice drop a bit. "I know some great stores."

Chloe let her gaze drop. "I bet you do." It was a moment before she looked up at Joy again, eyes sparkling. "I want to take you out tonight, before we go home. No pretending I'm not famous. Can we do that?"

"If you think that would be okay," Joy said. "I mean, you can't exactly ruin my reputation. I'm a stripper. But yours..."

"Mine is going to be at risk no matter what I do, or who I date," Chloe answered, "and I don't want to keep you a secret." She kissed Joy again, pressing her back until they were under the spray of the shower again. "We can always get Kurt to meet us somewhere, if you want. Either way, we have to leave soon, and you promised you'd wash my hair."

"I did, didn't I?" Joy laughed, then reached down and picked up her shampoo, squirting some into her palm. "Duck your head, darling."

Chloe did as she said, slicking her hair back after she turned around and leaned her head back under the spray of water. "I like when you call me that," she said absentmindedly.

"What, darling?" Joy massaged the shampoo in a little longer than necessary, enjoying the feel of Chloe's hair. "I'll have to do it more often."

As always, Chloe relaxed under Joy's ministrations. She leaned back against her as much as she could, sighing in contentment. "You have amazing hands. Just thought you should know."

"Really?" Joy asked, absurdly flattered. "Thanks. It's all because your hair is so gorgeous, you know. I just keep wanting to touch it."

Chloe hummed in response, sounding amused. "I wasn't talking about that, even if it does apply." She broke away from Joy just enough to lean under the spray of water again and started to rinse the suds from her hair.

Joy smirked, and leaned back against the wall of the shower, cool tiles contrasting delightfully with the hot spray of water. "Oh, well, your hair isn't the only part of you I just keep wanting to touch, darling. It's an all-purpose reason."

Smiling, Chloe pulled her hair over one shoulder when the shampoo was rinsed completely out and moved towards Joy. Chloe loosely wrapped her arms around her waist, resting their foreheads together. "Is that so?"

"Mmhmm." Joy kissed her lightly but warmly, and slid her own arms around Chloe's waist, reveling in the feel of warm, wet skin. "I like the way your skin feels, and your hair. I like the way it feels when I drag my fingers over your breasts. I like the way your muscles move under my hands." She shrugged. "What can I say? You feel great."

"'You feel great,'" Chloe quietly repeated, her smile widening. "I like hearing that." Chloe leaned in to kiss her again. She kept it slow, sliding a hand behind Joy's neck to keep her close. "We really do have to go soon," she murmured when they finally parted.

Joy sighed, then reached behind herself and turned off the water. "I guess we do," she said, and began to wring out her hair, twisting it in her hands. "You said something about dinner?"

"I did. Tell me a restaurant. Somewhere you've always wanted to go, but never have before." Reaching out of the shower to grab a nearby towel and wrapped it around Joy's shoulders. "Somewhere really nice. This may be bad of me, but I want to show you off."

"Hmm." While she considered, Joy took the ends of the towel and wrapped them around Chloe, drawing her tight against her. It was a big towel; so they both fit in, though just barely. "There's this really upscale French place I've always wanted to go and be snobby in. I'm told their sauces are heaven."

"Is it Per Se?" Chloe asked, snuggling closer to Joy. "Kurt and I go there, sometimes. He has to dress up, so it's always like... looking at presents under the Christmas tree, and I have to wait twenty four days to tear off the wrapping paper." She pulled away from Joy after a moment, though she did look regretful about it. "If I keep touching you, I'm not going to let you get ready. Did you want Kurt to join us for dinner?"

"That sounds right," Joy said, pulling reluctantly away from Chloe, and compensating herself by imagining Kurt in a tuxedo, doing a striptease. "I would like him to come, if you think he's got time."

She replayed that sentence in her head, smirked, and added, "I would also like him to come, but probably not at the restaurant. How evil can I be to him?"

Laughing as she found another towel, Chloe shook her head. "As long as he can walk without embarrassing himself, I don't think it matters. He's pretty good about telling you when he's reached his limit. I'll call him when we're getting ready." Squeezing the water out of her hair, Chloe looked Joy over. "Will you wear the dress from before, with higher heels?" she asked, grinning. "I don't like being so much taller than you."

Joy considered that, tapping a finger against her lower lip. "I have some new work heels," she said, at last. "Clear with gold glitter. Maybe if I use that gold glitter spray I have lying around... yeah, that could work." She removed the towel from around herself and began to dry her hair. "If you don't mind glitter getting everywhere afterwards, anyway. That stuff goes a long way."

Chloe was shameless, continuing to let her gaze roam over Joy's body when she answered. "Should I expect to be covered it in by the end of the night, then?" she asked, going through the motions of drying off and watching Joy all the while.

"Oh, yes," Joy said, and reached for the glitter spray, which lay on its side among her other makeup supplies, tangled together on the counter. "You'll probably be finding gold glitter for weeks." She flashed a wicked smile in Chloe's direction. "Probably in very naughty places."

"Considering how long I plan on keeping you around, it'll be longer than that." Chloe kissed her hard, before she grabbed a comb off of the counter and headed for the bedroom. "I'm going to call Kurt and get reservations."

[inactive-author] nikki, [topping] sprinkles, [extra] smoothie, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] malt, [inactive-author] bookblather, [challenge] poached pear, [extra] brownie, [challenge] cola

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