Green Cheese #10, Pistachio #15 + whipped cream + fresh peaches

Aug 24, 2011 08:31

Story:Blaze Mafia Family
Title:Birthday Gift
Prompts: Green Cheese #10: nebula, Pistachio #15: kiss + whipped cream + fresh peaches (You have a strong will that helps you complete just about every task you undertake.)
Rating: PG
Words: 318
Summary: My last Green Cheese (for real this time XD)! Atlas: just one of many Blazes that doesn’t understand the meaning of moderation.

“Daddy, look!”

Atlas caught his daughter as she hurled herself at his legs and lifted her into his lap. In her arms was a textbook that looked as if it weighed the same as she did. “Where did you get that?”

“School,” she said, flipping through the pages industriously.

“School?” Atlas’ eyebrows drew together. “Since when did second graders need textbooks?”

But Firebird had found what she was looking for and brought her father’s attention back where she wanted it. “Look! It’s a horse!”

Actually it was a picture of space and what looked like a cloud in the shape of a horse’s head. Atlas read the caption but he didn’t need to because Firebird had lots to say on the wonders of stars and nebulas and everything else they’d been learning in science that week. Firebird was a good student because she couldn’t stand not being number one in the class, but she’d never been particularly interested in what she was learning. She was eating this space stuff up though, and Atlas was enchanted by the way her eyes lit up when they talked about it.

Paloma came in awhile later and convinced their child it was time for bed. Firebird made the usual protests but kissed Atlas’ goodnight and went upstairs.

“What’s that look for?” Paloma asked, suspicion written across her face.

“Hmm? Oh, I was just thinking I’d get Firebird a telescope for her birthday.”

Paloma’s face immediately softened. “I think she’d like that.” She kissed her husband then followed Firebird upstairs to tuck her in.

Atlas grinned in a way that, if Paloma was still here, would set her on edge. Yes his daughter was going to get a telescope, but not one of those run of the mill backyard setups. No, his child deserved nothing but the best. He was sure if he threw enough money around, some scientist would be willing to build an observatory in time for her birthday.

[challenge] green cheese, [topping] whipped cream, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] pistachio, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches

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