Title: Three Syllables, Three Names Prompt: Buttermilk 27: My Middle Name; FOTD: Obscure Rating: G Word Count: 1,373 Summary: Junsu and Syeira talk about their names. ( Aww... )
I love this one!! It's so cute!! And, I really have no idea who these people are, so I'll have to go back and look at your stuffs, but it was great even not knowing who these people are. XD The test sounded interesting and I like how they went over it and had that moment over names. And the ending line was perfect.
I just have to point out one thing, and that is a small typo: slinging her back across her chest. I keep making the same mistake whenever I type bag and I have no idea why.
Annnd I continue to like Junsu :) The conversation in this one felt super genuine. I like that Syeira felt a bit awkward about not having a middle name.
I don't blame you about the whole liking Junsu thing. He's kind of amazing. Well I almost had the same mindset. I thought everyone had a middle name until 8th grade when I saw my friend's schedule and it said NMN. And she's Asian so I thought it was an Asian name: Me: How do you pronounce that? Friend: ...No middle name. |D Silly Kuu is silly.
hee! I don't think I've seen that abbreviation. Two of my characters (Rayn and Tina) don't have middle names either, which is little weird because they are American, but their parents are from China and Italy, where middle names are less common (or in China's case like...basically not done?)
Also, I was reading your story and this song came on my ipod and I was thinking...appropriate?? :D
What a great piece to come back with. It's adorable. Junsu is a great guy, and I really like how openly curious he is about learning what Syeira's name looks like in Russian.
Yay! Someone missed me! :D That makes me feel good about myself. I was afraid it was going to be like my other pieces <<;;; Junsu's starting to become one of my favorites :D Thank you for reading!
I missed you plenty. ^^ Nah, but all your pieces are fantastic. <3 He's starting to become one of mine too, even though I haven't read much with him. It's always fun to read! ^^
Comments 8
I just have to point out one thing, and that is a small typo: slinging her back across her chest. I keep making the same mistake whenever I type bag and I have no idea why.
I do love this one, though. XD
Well I almost had the same mindset. I thought everyone had a middle name until 8th grade when I saw my friend's schedule and it said NMN. And she's Asian so I thought it was an Asian name:
Me: How do you pronounce that?
Friend: ...No middle name.
|D Silly Kuu is silly.
Also, I was reading your story and this song came on my ipod and I was thinking...appropriate?? :D
What a great piece to come back with. It's adorable. Junsu is a great guy, and I really like how openly curious he is about learning what Syeira's name looks like in Russian.
Fantastic job!
:D That makes me feel good about myself. I was afraid it was going to be like my other pieces <<;;;
Junsu's starting to become one of my favorites :D
Thank you for reading!
Nah, but all your pieces are fantastic. <3
He's starting to become one of mine too, even though I haven't read much with him.
It's always fun to read! ^^
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