Title: Dealing Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Blue raspberry 29 (front row seat), pistachio 23 (recuperating), malt (PFAH: Lars : slip of the tongue), brownie
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Have I ever mentioned that I'm extremely jealous of how well you manage group scenes? This is a really well written piece, and I love how you have five different little stories that still all manage to make one big one. These characters are love. <3
This is awesome. I love how you show each of them, and how well each section fits together to make the story as a whole. Good on Lars for realizing Russell was right in the end, and I say that as a fellow recovering perfectionist. Sometimes you just have to let things go a little.
:D This is an awesome piece! I love how each conversation is about Lars but also about separate things at the same time. Penny and Jay are SO CUTE. <3 And Danny sews! That was unexpected but her explanation makes a lot of sense. I'm glad Lars decided to let everyone go at the end, as well. He'll be happier with the video as a result.
Comments 7
Thank you very much! <33
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Thank you!
Great job!
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