Marshmallow + Green Tea + Butter Pecan + Caramel- Sleeping Next to Shadows

Jul 09, 2011 08:47

Author: Bitz
Title: Sleeping Next to Shadows
Rating: PG
Green Tea #24. bedtime
Marshmallow #24. sleepover
Butter Pecan #18. sticky
Topping/Extra: Caramel (Second Story-Val's been in Spain for 3 months now)
Story: Hawaiian Sunrise Series- Lilikoi
Summary: Ana tries to help Elian get ready for bed
Word Count: 504
I decided that I'm going to give Hearts on Fire a rest and try to develop this story more than I have.

I came into the living room with a armful of covers. My eyes observed my guest warily as I put the sheets down on Val's contemporary style couch. Elian was standing watching the Waikiki cityview with his back to me. At the sound of my heels, he turned slow like and regarded me in silence. His black shoulder length hair stuck close on his forehead and I knew that he wasn't taking the humidity of Hawaii very well. Hell, he probably wasn't taking me very well either. I smiled to brighten the mood.

"Here are some sheets..." My hand shook nervously on top of the covers and I tried to keep calm by continuing to talk. "So when you get tired, feel free to sleep wherever you want." Elian kept quiet. That's when my mind unconciously started to wander. "There's plenty of food in the fridge if you want to cook or I could cook when I wake up." I looked at the ceiling wondering what else I should say. "There's also towels in the closet nearest the bathroom if you need..."

Elian's sudden sharp voice made jump. "Ana!" I was frozen as he said in a yell, "I am grown and I'm quite sure I can take care of myself! Stop all of this ridiculous babbling!" For a while I just stared at him. Lurid emotionless eyes stared back without an blink. His whole aura just oozed out with extreme power and it took all I had to stop from running for the hills.

Instead I replied, "Elian, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I mean I just wanted to...I..." My words were hurried, stuttered and I realized it was futile talking to Val's cold and bloodthirsty brother. I motioned towards the bedroom slowly.

"I'm just going to go to bed. Buenas Noches." After the words were said, I turned and started heading in then direction of Val and mine's bedroom.

"Wait a moment."

I froze mid-step then turned back around to hear what Val's brother had to say. He almost seemed to be conflicting with himself with the look on his face. He then said, "You really know how to cook, mujer?" I nodded slowly and Elian glanced down in thought before then saying in a deeper calmer voice."

"I wouldn't mind you cooking in the morning." He was eyeing his stomach and I wondered just when he had eaten last. He wasn't my favorite person but I wasn't going to let him starve.

"I can cook something now if you want me to."

Elian held up a hand; his other one wiping his sweat covered brow. "No...No, I can wait until the morning. Go to bed."

I wasn't convinced. "Are you sure...?"

"Yes, Ana! Bed, now!"

I jumped for the second time and I turned to run for those so called hills, but not before saying "Sleep well."

As I ran off I could have swore I heard him say, "¡Dios mio! ¿Cinco meses más de su boca?"

[challenge] marshmallow, [topping] caramel, [author] bitz, [challenge] butter pecan, [challenge] green tea

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