things that are pink are often misplaced

Jul 05, 2011 12:52

Story: the Tale of Tate Mills
Title: Sing it Out Loud part 35
Rating: PG
Challenge: Maple Walnut #9. Tongue tied , Chokeberry # 8. There are no words sweeter than these
Word count: 757
Summary: Tate has just started Sing It Out Loud the famous singing competition. He’s in the semi finals. Tate is reconnected with Emery and meets a few new faces along the way. But as always, things don’t always go according to Tate’s plans.
Notes: This is part thirty-five of the Tale of Tate Mills. Thank you for reading. There is a still a long way to go, so please bear with me and keep reading. Tate’s life is only going to get more interesting.

Emery wants to hook Rydel and Jace up. I don’t want to meddle in their business, but she declares that love is beautiful. Coming from the woman who thinks mushy romance is cheesy, this baffles me.
In her excitement she leans against me. I put my arm around her. She snuggles her body up close to me.

My heart is running a marathon in my ribcage and my legs are wobbly. I have to sit down or fall over.
I talk her into sitting on the couch with me to talk. She sits so close to me, if we get any closer we’ll be wearing the same pants. I put my arm around her. She lays her head on my chest and compliments my pecs.

“You’re kinda buff, but not in a gross bulky way,” She says, “It’s actually kind of cute. It suits you.”

I smile from ear to ear. She looks up at me with her dark eyes and strokes my chin, giggling at my stubble. She plants a sweet kiss on my neck that makes my senses come alive. Her touch feels like ice against my skin, and makes my whole body tremble.

“Thanks,” I say smiling stupidly.

And then she kisses me. I kiss her back. It’s like the fourth of July as fireworks go off above our heads.
When she slides her tongue across mine it awakens the sleeping beast in my pants. Down boy! Kissing her tastes good. Her lips are sweet like candy.

I forgot how good the tender kiss of a woman feels, it’s been way too long since I kissed a girl. Her skin is so soft, and she smells like ice cream, which makes it even better. Electrocuting chills shock my spinal cord as our tongues dance.

I wish I could kiss her forever. Unfortunately, she stops and stares at me for a moment before lying down with her head on my knee. I am hard down below but there is nothing I can do about it because of the beautiful woman lying on my knee. I put a pillow on my lap. Emery lays her head on the pillow and snuggles up close to my body. She traces my abs with her finger.

I hope she cannot feel the problem underneath the pillow, so help me, Jesus.

Rodéo, cacti, rotting flesh, vampires, tractors, basketball, I think of things that might help the problem go away. It seems to work for awhile until I remember the wonderful woman on my lap.

I stroke her dark hair. She smiles and starts to tickle me. Oh no. I am ticklish, and she’s close to where the spot is. She moves her hands to my sides and starts to tickle. I start to laugh. The mayor of trouserville comes back.

“You’re so cute,” Emery tells me.

“You’re beautiful,” I tell her.

“Don’t get any ideas, Cuteness. This is off limits,” She says pointing to all of her. I laugh.

“You’re amazing,” I say.

“I know. You have some epic abs, let me see,” Emery lifts my shirt and touches my bare abs with her fingers. This isn’t helping my situation.

“I thought you didn’t like that,” I say.

“I like you,” Emery says, she kisses my neck.

I kiss her this time. She kisses me back, but stops suddenly. She purrs loudly and licks my face. I can honestly say I’ve never been licked by a person.

“Ooh look at you being all aggressive,” says Emery, impressed.

I say nothing.

“You’re not a bad kisser,” Emery says.

Wait, she did not say I was a good kisser. Am I not living up to her expectations? Believe me I will try harder to please her if I have to.

“Is it bad that I want to jump your bones right now?” Emery says.
Nope. She has no idea about the situation I am currently in. My body agrees with her.

I say nothing. It’s like I forgot how to speak. She looks into my eyes and smiles. She climbs off my lap, says she’s going to take a shower. I stay on the couch after she leaves. I cannot move a single muscle. My breathing is heavy, my heart is racing, and the captain is still saluting.

“What’s up?” asks Micah, coming into the den to find me, “You never came back after supper and I was worried.”

I look at him wanting to tell him everything, but I am unable. Not even my mouth can move. I am completely immobilized.

[challenge] chokeberry, [challenge] maple walnut

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