Story: the Tale of Tate Mills
Title: Sing it Out Loud part 33
Rating: PG-13 (mild language)
Challenge: Maple Walnut #8 red handed, Chokeberry #4The guilt I expected never came Toppings/Extras:
Word count: 780
Summary: Tate has just started Sing It Out Loud the famous singing competition. Tate is in the semi-finals of the competition. Many new adventures lie ahead for him on this journey. Where will he end up? Will he make it into the finals?
Notes: This is part thirty-three of the Tale of Tate Mills. Thank you for reading. There is a still a long way to go, so please bear with me and keep reading. Tate’s life is only going to get more interesting.
Rodéo burst through the door with a bad attitude already. He pushes Jace off the top bunk and claims it even though Jace was there first.
“I will have the top bunk,” Rodéo says. He scans all of us with his charcoal eyes. He scoffs and begins unpacking. He hangs up a poster of a scantily clad woman above his bed.
Rydel starts swearing angrily in Chinese. Rodéo ignores him and tacks it to the wall.
“What is your problem?” ask Rodéo, as Rydel gets louder.
“No! I will not have naked women in my room,” Rydel says, “It is inappropriate and disrespectful.”
“I agree,” I say.
“Shut up,” Rodéo barks at me. He climbs down and gets in my face. “If you don’t appreciate the female body you must be a queer.”
Jace seems overly offended by Rodéo’s use of the word queer. I don’t quite know why. I really hope this guy gets voted off early.
None of us speak while we unpack into our designated wardrobes. I have the fewest clothes of the guys so I loan some of my wardrobe space to Rydel who has enough clothes to fill two of these things. His clothes fill the rest of my wardrobe, but it’s too bad Rydel and I do not wear the same size because he has good style and I know it would impress Emery.
“Alright guys, you’re all checked in, I assume you’re familiar with the rules. Mr. Martinez, you may not have that poster hanging up,” Says Taffy reading off a clipboard.
“Bitch,” Rodéo says climbing up to take down the poster.
“Hey,” I snap, “I’ve think we’ve heard enough from you today, Rodéo.”
“You have a problem, Shorty?” He asks getting in my face again.
I look at Taffy who’s shaking her head. I sit down and let him win this round. He throws a childish tantrum until Taffy caves in and allows him to keep his poster. Wow, that’s real mature, buddy.
Taffy goes over the rules just to remind us, and then she tells us that our first event tomorrow is with the wardrobe department. They need to measure us. I hate being measured; I always get stuck with some woman who just wants to grope me.
She explains that we will have to do our own laundry and cook for ourselves, that is not a big deal for me because I learned to cook when I was twelve and have been doing it ever since. If we want to appoint someone to cook for the group we may, it’s strictly up to us and we are to let her know if we have any food allergies or want something special. I think I will volunteer to be the cook. I enjoy cooking; I find it to be relaxing.
Rodéo admits to never having done his own laundry. According his story he grew up wealthy and they sent their laundry out. Its bull if you ask me.
“Get one of the boys to help you,” Taffy says patting him on the head patronizingly. She leaves to talk to the other men down the hall.
“Let’s get one thing straight, Kid; I am in this to win. If you get in my way I will destroy you,” Rodéo threatens me.
“Game on, asshole,” Micah says in my defense. With his baby face you wouldn’t expect Micah to have such an attitude.
While I wait for Emery to text me, I join Rydel and Jace for a very stress relieving yoga session. It pops all the muscles in my back, and feels wonderful. I believe the last time I did yoga was when I took a class on it at the Y. That was probably two or three years ago. I forgot how good it feels on my body.
“You all look so queer,” Rodéo says from his top bunk. I try to ignore him.
I am a lot more flexible than I realize being able to completely bend over backwards and touch the floor without feeling pain from it. I do a handstand, and balance my body weight on one hand. I can only do this for a short time before feeling dizzy. I go back to my original position while Rydel talks us through the moves.
“You wouldn’t catch me doing something like that, it looks like butt sex positions,” Rodéo says.
I hear Rydel mumble something in Chinese, it’s obvious he’s offended. I think Rodéo needs to stop talking before one of us hits him. I am usually one for talking out my issues, but I would not mind seeing Rydel display his superb martial arts skills on Rodéo.