
Jun 22, 2011 22:37

Title: Your Princess is in Another Castle
Story Continuity: The Lethean Glamour
Flavors: Blackberry 3: the third degree, Cheesecake 3: he's searching high and low for some place to hide, Mango 25: a toast
Topping: Whipped Cream (Cygnelius is 12)
Rating: PG
Summary: Cygnelius has no luck with the dead.

Cygnelius met a ghost when he was six.

She had been beautiful, with long dark hair and eyes like fluorite. She lived in his house ninety years ago and was killed in the Draconian raid the night before her wedding. She might have been his great-grandmother if she lived.

"Why are you still here? Surely there's nothing left for you," Cygnelius said. The ghost, Mariana, said, "There has to be. There will be. Maybe there already has been. I can't know, and neither can you."

It had been the first of many conversations with her that had quickly hit a brick wall head-on. Cygnelius stopped seeking her out after he learned, through a cuttingly passing comment, that she killed her little sister, and it ceased being an issue entirely when he followed his father to Castle Volacoeur's basement laboratories.

Mariana should be here, not him, he thought, somewhere very distant in his mind. This wasn't a place he should ever have been. This was the netherworld, and not the promised paradise of the kind and righteous. This was Dis. His father was beside him, gripping his hand with fingers like five impenetrable locks attached to an arm like a long, steely chain. Cygnelius was going to have nightmares about this. He thought he might already be having them.

"Come along, Purance is waiting. We have to cross the black lake before we reach Death's Palace," Alcionus Corvo murmured. Here among the dead and the damned a light finally shone behind his eyes, but even Cygnelius could tell that it was too bright, and sharper than most physical razors. Cygnelius didn't point out that black fire was in no way a lake, that was not what that word meant and no one in their right mind would call it that there. He knew by then that talking to ghosts was impossible, even if they could hear you.

The fire transformed Cygnelius's arm into a grotesque accessory. Alcionus passed through unharmed. His agony waited elsewhere.

Title: Perhaps Tomorrow
Story Continuity: In the Heart
Flavors: Papaya 21: on second thought..., Gingerbread 29: beauty and the beast (where Yvonne is both)
Topping: Butterscotch (new mommy!Yvonne is more prominent than bb!Olivia, really), Hot Fudge, Banana, Milkshake (the sandbox is all Bookblather's)
Rating: PG
Summary: Yvonne Marhenke contemplating the fragility of her daughter and being altogether more comforted by the thought than most people are comfortable with in a person they have to share a planet with.
Notes: So you know how Bookblather's birthday was a goodly number of weeks ago? Can we just all pretend it's today? -_- (Happy really late birthday, you lovely person, and here's hoping the entire year treats you kindly.)

Perhaps Tomorrow by ~Yumira on deviantART

[challenge] cheesecake, [challenge] gingerbread, [challenge] blackberry, [challenge] papaya, [topping] butterscotch, [topping] hot fudge, [challenge] mango, [topping] whipped cream, [extra] banana, [extra] milkshake

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