Author: Bella
Rating: PG
Challenge: Molasses #6 (life of the party),
Chocolate Custard #16 (Refugee - Ellen Wilber)
Toppings/Extras: Gummy bunnies (dancing from
June Card of
Word Count: 516
Story Arc: Missing Melodies [
Timeline: January 2012
Title: Will You?
Summary: Jasper goes as Ryan's date to Lily and Eric's wedding.
Notes: The lyrics in italics are from Refugee by Ellen Wilber
You’re not the savior I thought I’d need
You stitched me up when life made me bleed.
You made my soul skip with surprise
You took my hand and opened my eyes.
"Thanks for coming," Ryan whispered into Jasper's ear as they danced close. They were in a banquet hall for Eric and Lily's wedding reception, dancing late into the night.
The food had been served earlier, the cake had been cut and the speeches had been made. Now the DJ played music for all the guests to dance to; everything from classic rock to pop to the Macarena (Ryan had to admit that watching Lily do the Macarena in her wedding dress was interesting).
"It was fun," Jasper whispered back. "I haven't been to a wedding in forever."
"Still, it is nice to have someone to dance with."
"That's the only reason you brought me?" Ryan didn't have to see Jasper's face to know that he had his eyebrows raised.
"Yes, I only brought you for your awesome dancing skills," Ryan said with a laugh.
"Now I feel loved," Jasper said, rolling his eyes.
"You know I love you," Ryan said earnestly, pulling away enough to see Jasper's face.
"I know. Love you too," Jasper said, pausing in the dance to lean in to kiss Ryan. The baseball player pulled away when he heard cat calls coming from somewhere. Ryan looked around to see Romeo and Alex standing off to the side with matching grins. Ryan resisted the urge to give the couple the finger since the parents of any kids there would not be impressed.
"Sorry about them," Ryan said with a jerk of his head in the couple's direction. "When they drink they lose the little maturity they have."
"I'm sure they're fun on tour."
"You have no idea," Ryan said, shaking his head. He gave Jasper a quick kiss on the lips before continuing. "This wedding got me thinking. I was wondering if their was any chance that maybe one day you'd like to…"
"Get married?" Jasper finished off. Ryan nodded, his head was bowed and a light blush covered his neck. "One day I'd want to. Wait, was that a proposal?"
"No. Not at all. I just wanted to know if we were still on the same page," Ryan said with a furious shake of his head. "You've just made me realize what I was missing before and I never thought I'd fall in love with you but look at us now. I want to get married one day and I want it to be with you."
"You never thought you'd date me?" Jasper said, surprised.
"When I met you, you were an in-the-closet athlete. That's not exactly my type. I just couldn't stay away and you surprised me in a lot of ways Jasper. It doesn't really matter now, we're dating and all. Will you marry me, one day, Jasper?"
"Yeah. I'll marry you," Jasper leaned in for a second attempt to kiss Ryan and this time they ignored the cat calls and wolf whistles from their friends.