big top

May 28, 2011 15:24

Author: Nathalia
Rating: PG
Challenge: Buttered Popcorn #01 - big top
Extras / Toppings: malt (bingo: we're going after her + let her be a kid + Kendra + stay away from me + Obnoxio the Clown), whipped cream
Word Count: 570
Story: Misfits
Summary: Kendra disappears while on a school trip to the circus.
Notes: you know that clown ;) some random silliness.

It was halfway through the circus performance that Ms. Scheltdorf realized that her newest student, Kendra Norwin, had disappeared. She looked around, counting the children under her breath over and over again just to make sure but Kendra was nowhere to be found.

As quietly as possible, Ms. Scheltdorf made her way out of the big tent in an attempt to find her missing ward. She knew this wouldn’t end well if she didn’t manage to find Kendra soon. She had an extensive file about her already, at the tender age of twelve, which was something Ms. Scheltdorf had never had to deal with before and the fact that the girl constantly got into fights with the boys didn’t help make her very popular. Ms. Scheltdorf knew that she should have been paying closer attention to the troublemaker.

She looked around outside the tent, trying to spot Kendra and when she couldn’t, she opted to go look where the animals were kept. Maybe Kendra was more like other girls her age than she would like to admit and liked horses and other animals.

There was no sign of Kendra at the stables and Ms. Scheltdorf was about to go look somewhere else when suddenly, she heard a voice that she thought might be Kendra’s.

“Get the fuck away from me or I will hurt you! Get away! Now!”

Following the voice that kept screaming, making it easier to locate it, Ms. Scheltdorf finally found Kendra, standing with her back against a wall, holding a pitchfork that was almost too heavy for her to lift. She was pointing it at a clown who would come into the big top between performances to keep the crowd distracted until the next act had been set up. She thought she remembered that he had been introduced by the circus director as Obnoxio the Clown.

“Hey, calm down, little girl,” Obnoxio the Clown was saying with a heavy Midwestern accent, trying to approach Kendra who was wielding the pitchfork like a weapon, trying to keep the clown at a certain distance.

“I’m gonna poke you with this if you come any closer, I swear!” Kendra threatened and Ms. Scheltdorf was sure that the girl was serious about this. “Get away from me, you ugly moster!”

While the situation didn’t make any sense to Ms. Scheltdorf, she still stepped in, clearing her voice.

“You, clown, stay away from her and Kendra, you put down that pitchfork immediately!” She said in the commanding voice she was used to using on misbehaving children. She had no problem making herself heard over the music coming out of the big top.

The clown followed her orders immediately, raising his hands up to his head but Kendra hesitated.

“Only if he promises to stay away from me,” she finally said after a few seconds of contemplation.

“Sure, whatever,” the clown sighed, apparently annoyed at all of this. “All I was trying to do was get you away from the elephants. No need to go all batshit crazy on me.”

Kendra put down her weapon but looked defiant and didn’t take her eyes off the clown as she came over to stand with Ms. Scheltdorf.

“Come,” the teacher said, grabbing Kendra’s hand. “Thank you very much for trying to help, Mr. Clown.” As she led Kendra away, she started to think of what kind of punishment was appropriate for such a situation.

[author] nathalia, [extra] malt, [topping] whipped cream, [challenge] buttered popcorn

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