Title: Homecoming Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vinegar 6 (do not operate machinery), pistachio 3 (ceremony), malt (PFAH: Summer, Ivy, Aaron, Danny : I don't think the microwave works like that), caramel
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Aaron occasionally suffers lapses in judgment when it comes to the angelicness of his kids. XD Although it should be said that this one is really Andy's fault. And yeah, Summer is not the most party-prone of people, but she does love having her family with her.
That's true, but Summer is feeling mildly antisocial at the moment, and can you really blame her? I mean, given that Andy is doing his best to explode the microwave...
:D This is BEAUTIFUL. Poor Danny. Also, I love how Ivy's just "screw it" about the Peeps thing and leaves it to the owner of the microwave. So do not blame Summer for beating a strategic retreat, either.
This is adorable. Danny's terror and Summer's intelligence (as usual) with hiding, Lars's attempts at persuasion, Aaron's somewhat cluelessness :D This is brilliant in its general simplicity. Loved it! Would love to see the kids' POV of all this :P
Comments 9
LOL, Danny, ILU so much.
I am very much on Summer's side, here. Book in the kitchen > party.
Also, Aaron's "Don't wanna." made me giggle as well.
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Thank you!
This is so sweet, truly. Awesome job!
(Also, usually I am all on board with the idea that books > parties, but given that it's this crowd? I think I'd want to hang out. XD)
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