flavour of the day, rhubarb and blueberry cheesecake with a bunch of stuff

May 01, 2011 17:51

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }
Title: Don’t Say It
Rating: PG (language)
Challenge: FOTD: incommodious, Rhubarb ‘My Treat’ #18: use your head (things Robyn learned about being a PI that she wishes she had known when she started), Blueberry Cheesecake #12: grey matter
Toppings/Extras: caramel, pocky chain, fresh peaches, fresh pineapple, fresh strawberries
Wordcount: 600
Summary: Sticky situations are an occupational hazard for a private eye.
Notes: Finished Marina’s Treat! The last pocky is from The Moonquartz Mystery, their biggest adventure ever. XD Incommodious: inconvenient, as not affording sufficient space or room; uncomfortable. Peaches: A social event or gathering that involves work could put you in touch with interesting people, Taurus. Pineapple: Be the real deal/ Every injury is gonna heal. Strawberries: Lucy Merriam.

There was a lot more paperwork involved than Robyn had suspected.

Dumping it on Victor was all well and good, but he struggled with forms sometimes. Just with a few questions. ‘Male or female?’ tended to be answered ‘Yes’. That sort of thing. She didn’t blame him-one couldn’t really blame Victor-but that was how it worked. He was the genius that actually worked things out, and she did most of the legwork.

It was a slog.

It was getting close to midnight.

She needed a drink.

Rubbing her head, she glanced at the clock and sighed.

“Cock it.”


She couldn’t believe it.

Robyn stared in abject horror-and some resentment-towards the radio transmitter as the familiar voice continued to speak. There was a gruff laugh. A response. A bit of interference.

“Bastard’s been working with them all this time!” Robyn exclaimed, sinking in her seat and rolling her head back.

In the dark room, Victor was sat opposite to the table, folding up bits of paper and not looking too bothered-though he mustered a concerned frown when she looked at him.

“How much did we tell him?” she asked.

Victor wrinkled his nose.


“Cock it.”


Robyn hit accelerate and the car jerked out of the side-road with barely a screech, gunshot cracking through the night and the high dome of Valetta above them. They hurled over a speed-bump and Robyn nearly put her head through the ceiling.

“Shit! Is it me, or do we make a lot of enemies in this line of work?”

“We make a lot of enemies in this line of work,” Victor conceded solemnly.

With a jerk of the steering wheel, she turned onto another road and found herself blocked in by cars. Familiar cars.

She hit the brakes.

“Cock it!”


The Pool was a good place to grill criminals but a bad place to be on the night of a police raid. They hadn’t even been doing anything wrong, but the Lunar Police Department hated their guts. If they got caught-well, Robyn decided to take it one step at a time.

Like the back staircase she was creeping up now.

Why did the LPD insist on making PIs their enemies? Sure, she hadn’t been expecting rainbows and sunshine and let’s work together, but still…

The door at the top opened. DS Bower and DC Sakai were stood there.



“Well! That was a bit of rough and tumble, wasn’t it?” Robyn asked, breathing heavily with her back to the door. Victor looked at her as though she were insane. He was bleeding from the cheek. “This bloody family…”

Her eyes trailed across the room and she finally noticed a young girl standing there. She was young. Blonde. Small. Pretty.

“Alright?” Robyn asked warily.

Victor already had his hand on the doorhandle.

The kid pulled out a gun.

“Goddamn fucking cock it!”

They practically flew out of that door.

“Robyn,” Victor scolded her. “She looked about eight.”

“Shut up, Victor!”


They’d cut the power, but that didn’t make Robyn any happier with the fact that she and Victor were jammed in the central electrical tube of Satellite Saoirse. Back against the side, feet braced against the opposite wall, Robyn looked down the tube that disappeared into blackness below. At least they were hidden…

Victor looked even more uncomfortable than her, grappling for a hold on the tube’s sides. She was about to speak when there was a clunk and a hatch opened somewhere above.

“We’re coming for you…!”

Robyn looked desperately towards Victor.

They were both thinking the same thing.

[topping] caramel, [challenge] blueberry cheesecake, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches, [challenge] rhubarb, [extra] fresh fruit : pineapple, [extra] fresh fruit : strawberries, [extra] pocky chain, [inactive-author] ninablues, [challenge] flavor of the day

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