Title: Rat Poison
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vinegar 1 (keep out of reach of children), malt (Sara's flavor roulette: sociopath!Aaron as a child), pocky, whipped cream (Aaron is eleven, Ivy is six), chopped nuts (sociopathic besties AU), hot fudge (Aaron as a villain; whodathunkit?).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13 for disturbing imagery.
Summary: Aaron takes something dangerous away from Ivy.
Notes: This story is what you might call
Sara's fault. No, I don't know why Ivy wanted it either.
"No, Ivy," he says, and takes the rat poison away from her.
His sister scowls, and reaches after it. "Aaron! I need it!"
"You can't have it." He sets it back where it belongs, atop the refrigerator; heaven knows how she got it. "It's dangerous."
"I'm not stupid," she says, angrily.
Aaron looks down at her. "You could die," he says, and imagines her writhing, vomiting blood, bleeding from the gums, too dizzy to stand so she crashes down-- then dismisses the thought. She's his sister now. Besides, she's strangely endearing.
"You can't have it," he says, again, and leaves.