Title: Dear Darkness
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun/Fun With the Tarot
Flavors: Cranberry 8: the chariot, Mango 23: I can't bear to look, Cheesecake 10: our games of make believe are at an end
Extra/Topping: Banana, Cherry (colored with pastels and filters only), Cookie Crumbs (that scene from
The Five Uses of Love-Lies-Bleeding)
Rating: G
Summary: Cyprian and vamp!Sorensen as the Chariot, because it fits, after a fashion. Key words include victory, anxiety, hard control, self assertion, discipline, bravery, conviction, conquest. There is an invisible, off-screen stake, which will remain off-screen because six iterations of this scene is enough and my Special Paper is tiny.
Note: Nearly a year later, I'm finally done with Cranberry! Is that Handel I hear or am I just that glad to be rid of it?