Title: How Nicky Nails Got His Nickname
Prompt: Chocolate #25: inspiration, Amaretto #17: on the house, Vinegar #24: may contain small parts + pocky
Rating: PG13 for language and implied gore
Characters: Nicky Nails Blaze, Atlas Blaze, Papa B Blaze
Summary: I’ve already posted once today, but this is just a tiny scene that popped into my head while washing the dishes. For those that were wondering, this is how Nicky Blaze became Nicky Nails. Let’s just say Soul’s sadism may be attributed in part to heredity. XD
“The fuck?!?”
“Hmm?” Nicky turned around to see who it was then relaxed. He pointed to the duffle bag on the ground with the hammer he was holding. “Found the money.”
Neither Papa B nor Atlas could look away from the gruesome sight nailed to the back of their victim’s shed. Atlas was the first to crack; he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from throwing up and quickly walked back to the house. Papa B finally tore his gaze away and pinned his middle son with a horrified look.
“What?” Nicky asked defensively. “I forgot my gun.”