Title: Leaving Home
Story Continuity: Battle For the Sun/Fun With the Tarot
Flavors: Cranberry 1: the fool, Cheesecake 5: Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown - Walk on, walk on.
Extra: Banana
Rating: G
Summary: Cliff Knight as the Fool. Implications include potential, innocence, new beginnings, and creativity, and is usually illustrated by a young man on the brink of a precipice. His immediate family dead, Cliff abandons his home to start a new life in another town.
Title: Coldest Fire
Story Continuity: Battle For the Sun/The Lethean Glamour/Fun With the Tarot
Flavors: Cranberry 12: justice, Mango 26: if looks could kill, Blackberry 27: keeping the peace
Extra: Banana
Rating: G
Summary: Annancoeur, the Buillaisian goddess of justice/karma/hangover spawn of the god of ill-advised inebriation becoming the god of general inebriation, as Justice. Implications include objectivity, impartiality, severity, clarity of vision, responsibility. That is in fact a switch made of an olive branch, by the way.