Author: Aublivienne
Singluarity Syndrome Challenge: Lemon Chiffon #11 (keep each other warm) *last lemon chiffon!*
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 115
Summary: Ange ponders.
Notes: This takes place a bit later in the story, after some pretty big things happen.
Ange hated the rain.
Whenever it rained, it got cold, and Ange had never been too fond of the cold.
The rain made her think. The rain made them both think, and reliving everything that had happened back on Earth was never pleasant. More so for him, but she had been there for it all. She had seen what he had gone through, and some of it still haunted her.
“You okay?” Ange asked, wrapping her arms around him.
He didn’t answer. He wasn’t going to. He was going to sit there and think and clean that damn revolver all night, if he had to.
And she was going to let him. He needed it.
Author: Aublivienne
Singluarity Syndrome Challenge: Red Hot Cinnamon #2 (spark)
Extras: Pocky
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Carmine and Kashmir disagree on torture methods.
“You’re having entirely too much fun with this one.”
Carmine smirked, watching the sparks jump between the wires in his hands. “They said ‘by any means necessary,’ right?”
Kashmir sighed. “I guess, but a battery…?”
“What do you suppose we do?”
“I don’t know…”
“Exactly.” Carmine stood up and approached the bound man.
“Wait a minute,” Kashmir said from his spot in the corner. “I don’t know, I just don’t feel right about this.”
Carmine rolled his eyes. “Then close your eyes or something.”
“Then shut up.”
“If he dies, it’s all you,” Kashmir said as he walked out.
Author: Aublivienne
Story: Cataclysmos
Title: Could Have Been The Champagne
Challenge: Red Hot Cinnamon #11 (embers/coals) *last cinnamon! :D*
Extras: Pocky
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Sheridan and the night in the sauna.
Sheridan didn’t remember too much of that night.
Things became a blur after the expensive dinner. He vividly remembered the screaming match, after which Sorian had disappeared for the better part of a month. Then the dinner with Tate, then the drinks.
Then there was the hot tub, and then the sauna, and then the way the glowing charcoal made Tate’s skin look, and then the way Sheridan started getting dizzy from the heat and the alcohol as Tate held him down but neither of them really seemed to mind-
Sheridan didn’t want to remember too much of that night.