Title: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Rum raisin 14 (benefactor), rocky road 9 (basement), malt (PFAH: Danny, Olivia: For Whom the Bell Tolls), brownie, fresh pineapple (When I'm falling down/Will you pick me up again? --Watercolour, Pendulum
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Comments 13
I adore this. A lot. Okay, talk over.
I kind of want Danny to meet Angie so bad right now, because I reaaaally think Danny could have smacked some sense into her about a lot of things before Rayne was able to.
Very good job!
Thank you so much for your compliments! You really cheered me up. I'm glad you liked it so much.
It's great that these two ran into each other. Therapy helps, but it takes a while, and I'm sure being in a new place and not knowing many people isn't doing Olivia too many favors. Danny seems like the kind of girl who gets along better with guys, but I have the feeling being friends with Olivia will do her some good, too. I liked the way their friendship slowly unfolded through random encounters. I hope there will be plenty of hugs when Gina sees Olivia next. Also, Michael is awesome. <3
Nice job and I hope the weekend treats you better!
Danny does, generally speaking, get along better with guys, but she makes an effort for Olivia because her brain is going "Michael!" in a little tiny voice, and if there's one thing she's hardwired to do, it's take care of Michael.
As soon as Gina and Olivia have a proper talk, there will be many, many hugs. Hardcore hugs.
Friday definitely treated me better than Thursday, and it can only go up from here. Your comment helped. <3 Thanks so much, and I'm glad you liked it!
Okay, so. I've been reading your stories for months now (I seriously read everything you post, and some night you will get another deluge of comments), and this whole time, I've been building up mental images of your characters, as people do when they read stories, particularly awesome ones like yours.
But this time? I heard them. I could hear this two women having these conversations. The hesitance, the pauses, everything.
So I would say you have done a particularly excellent job.
Thank you so much! I love reading your stories so much that getting compliments from you is incredibly flattering. This one in particular just made me blush and smile so much. Thank you.
Danny is also a great character, spunky and blunt and just so kick-ass, she's the kind of character you read and just wish you were her. XD This line is proof of her absolute aweseomeness:
"Who fucked you up?" Danny clarified. "Mother, father, uncle, grandparents, what?"
On another note, I have never been able to find anything to criticise when it comes to your writing (ESPECIALLY your poetry which makes me jfkjdka). Hope next week is better for you.
And wow, not a thing ever? That is such an amazing compliment. You seriously made my day a crapton better. <33 Thank you so much.
Danny is particularly awesome in this and I love Michael too! Olivia deserves lots and lots of lovely hugs!
I'm so glad you liked it so much! Thank you for all your lovely compliments; they made my day that much better.
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