Title: Small Things Main Story: In The Heart Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Rum raisin 15 (stranger), peppermint 15 (blood), My Treat (sarcasticsra's: Summer's first childhood injury
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Aww, I love pieces from Summer's POV! Of course Gail was angry and stupid teachers/nurse for not understanding. Summer is adorable and her logic is quite logical, but in a cute little kid way even so.
Well, she is both a little kid and not neurotypical, so there's all sorts of incomprehensible going on in her head. The teacher can be forgiven for not getting some of it. :D Thanks so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I love Summer's voice. I especially like how she compared her teacher's expressions to her parents as a reference point. And, heh, Gail at the end. Whatever you said, teacher, you definitely shouldn't have.
Aspie, actually, but they're the same spectrum and apparently now they're categorized as the same disorder, so yeah. I worked very hard on her internal references, so I'm glad it worked. Thank you for reading!
She's a good kid, it just takes people a while to sort of get her since she's an Aspie (and undiagnosed at this point). I'm glad you like her! Thanks for reading!
Summer is particularly hard to fit in a box, since she's a Hirschfeld-Kendall and an Aspie to boot. :D Teacher hasn't got a prayer. Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it!
Comments 17
Nice job!
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