Title: Too Soft For Comfort.
Author: Zombz
Rating: G
Challenge: eggnog 13. silent night
Word Count: 408.
Story: Hoppers: Revolution Arc
Summary: Some people aren't meant to have nice things.
Notes: This was supposed to be smut but I got lazy and left it at fluff.
“That’s some bed.”
Dom looked over to where the voice had originated from. Risk stood in the doorway that led out into what had been Muzange’s office after he had stolen it from G.. It had been sort of a revelation to Dom and the others that there was a bedroom attached to the offices of their superiors. That level of privacy had never occurred to them. It seemed wasteful to have a room occupied by only one person. It also seemed foolish. What if one night Dom slept too soundly and someone came to kill him? In a room with another person the chance of survival was greater. Dom supposed that by the time Muzange and G. had reached this level of importance they had stopped thinking in the same, soldier ways that Dom was thinking.
“It’s too soft,” Dom remarked as he moved his gave from Risk to the bed. Softness was only one of the many issues Dom had with the bed. There were too many pillows and sheets were another thing he couldn’t understand. Sleeping here was like having to fight off suffocation all night long. The room itself was too big for Dom’s taste; there were too many places that darkness fell very thick. He pressed his hand against the plush comforter that lay over the bed in order to illustrate his point. When he removed his hand a full imprint remained. “I’m having even more trouble than usual sleeping.”
“Who could’ve believed that was possible,” Risk mumbled. Dom sighed a little a sat himself on the edge of the large bed. He sank considerably. Things in the base had been… strange since Muzange died. All eyes were on him now and Dom didn’t know whether that was good or bad. Were people looking at him like he was a traitor? A hero? As simply a new face to follow? He didn’t want any of those things but he knew the eyes were on him all the same. He sighed a little louder this time. “If you’re going to be a baby about it I could spend the night with you.” Dom could never be one hundred percent sure whether Risk was doing something innately for her own benefit or because there was actually some seedling of compassion within her that had just never received enough light. At the moment he preferred to believe it was the latter rather than the former.