Licorice 8

Sep 14, 2010 10:48

Author: sunsetsinthewes
Challenge: Licorice 8. The old man is snoring
Word Count: 466
Rating: PG-13 (for a mention of sexy tiems)
Story: Polyfaceted; the title of this story is Face of Heaven.
Summary: An interlude in which Romeo and Penny take a trip to the beach.
Notes: This occurs in July of 2012 and sorta simultaneously seven years later.


That night, Romeo dreams of a long-forgotten trip to the beach.

It’s the middle of a Tuesday in July, but the immediate area is deserted thanks to unseasonably cool weather. On the horizon, an overcast sky meets the endless expanse of ocean, creating an effect that leaves them feeling as though they’re the only ones in the world. Ignoring the sandwiches they’ve pack in favor of a stroll, they skirt the edge of the water, racing one another to safety as each wave crashes against the shore. When they finally begin to tire, he tackles her and together they tumble into the sand.

“Cheater!” Penny squeals, wiggling to free herself from his grasp. “Dirty, rotten cheater!”

“Yeah? Well would a cheater do this?” Grabbing a fistful of sand and shoving it down the back of her hoodie, Romeo grins in triumphant at her yelp.

“You’re a villain, Romeo Corlioni!” Even as she struggles to shake every last piece of grit free, Penny is unable to hide her smile. Eventually, she gives it up as a lost cause and rises to her feet. “You’re a regular old mustache-twirling villain. If I had half a mind I’d take the car and leave you stranded here.”

Romeo frowns, sitting up and lifting a hand to link his calloused fingers with her soft, delicate ones. “But if you leave, who will be my damsel in distress? I need a damsel to do dastardly things to.”

Cocking her head as though giving the matter great thought, Penny relents, “All right, I’ll be your damsel. But I’m not going to come quietly.”

“No,” Romeo agrees, gently pulling her down beside him, “I certainly hope you won’t. Now keep still, I need to concentrate on my devious deeds.”

They make love right there on the beach, surrounded by sand, water, and each other. It’s tender and sweet, an unhurried pace that builds and climbs to a shattering peak. Later, as they revel in the afterglow, neither of them quite able to steady their breathing, she adjusts his embrace around her and they separately marvel at the perfect fit.

“‘Give me my Romeo’,” Penny murmurs, fingers tracing nonsensical patterns across his chest, “‘and when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of Heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night’.”

Overcome, he whispers, “I love you, Penny.”

She smiles and tilts her head back to meet his gaze. “I love you too, my Romeo. Nothing in this life or the next will change that. Nothing.”

Thirty-two miles and seven years away, Romeo slowly awakens, acutely conscious of the too-big bed in the too-cold room in the too-empty house.


[challenge] licorice, [inactive-author] sunsetsinthewes

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