Title: There's a Great Black Wave In the Middle of the Sea (For Me)
Battle For the Sun (new main canon story, new chapter)
Flavors: Blackberry 6: set the record straight, Rhubarb 22: long time, no see, Gingerbread 4: fairy godmother (kind of loose)
Topping: Cherry (differently serious, nu!semi-nuts!Cygnelius, written with a deadline), Malt (
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Comments 5
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(I will totally read David Mitchell sometime before the end of the month.)
Also, Jaida is awesome.
Yeah, Cyprian is definitely of the Il Pagliacci school of coping. By which I mean "cries on the inside and laughs on the outside (or at least until apparently he ends up shanking his slutbag wife mid-performance upon discovering she's been cheating on him with someone who wears less makeup than her, because classical opera is secretly just as WTF melodramatic as rock opera)." But as to why he's calm - this is written as Cyprian's memoirs, so he's had time to either gain perspective or collect his thoughts properly between freak-outs.
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