Author: etacanis
Challenge: Chocolate Chili #6 - Elation, Blueberry Yogurt #14 - A miracle, Strawberry #19 - Umbrella
Rating: PG.
Subhuman Word count: 211
Summary: All he had was matted hair, and water in his boots.
Timeline: After the start of the story - Sacha is mid-twenties (approximately 25).
Notes: I haven't posted in ages! That's because my computer had to be rebuilt, and I thought I'd lost all my writing - including about 10 pieces I haven't posted yet ;-; Thankfully, I managed to find a saved file, so now I'm back! :D
Sacha stood under the street light, watching as couples rushed through the rain, grins on their faces, sharing an umbrella and laughing like they'd just seen a miracle happen. Like nothing was wrong with the world, and like angels were chorusing around them.
Sacha had no umbrella. He had no grin, all he had was matted hair and water in his boots, and he knew that miracles didn't happen. On this exact street, just four hours ago, a twelve year old girl had been killed. By the government, because of a few mutated cells. A few mutated cells that could be controlled, that caused no problems, except when you kept fucking with the people who carried the cells, except when you pushed those people to the brink, and kept pushing and shoving and waiting for them to snap, just to prove you right that yes, you should bloody well be fucking terrified of those tiny little cells.
There was no sign of it now, Sacha only knew because he'd stood there, watching as they shot a little girl, just so her defences wouldn't kick it while they got her in the van. He'd watched as the van sped away, heard the wail from the back of it as the girl woke up again, watched the mother fall to the ground sobbing, watched the father turn his back with tears in his eyes. He'd been reminded of his mother, and he had missed her and ached for her, but then the cries broke into his memories, and he was hard again, the warrior he had to be.
He spat on the ground, the saliva going unnoticed with the rain, and ignored the tinge of red, and the taste of salt left behind in his mouth. And he waited, in the rain, with his clothes sticking to skin, with his hair matted, he waited.