Carrot Cake 12, Coffee 12: that's what you get

Jul 22, 2010 09:42

Title: that's what you get
Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Carrot cake 12 (eat), coffee 12 (frame), whipped cream (Ivy in utero), rainbow sprinkles (Gail and Kim ( Read more... )

[topping] sprinkles, [challenge] carrot cake, [topping] whipped cream, [inactive-author] bookblather, [challenge] coffee

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Comments 16

nothingtoregret July 22 2010, 14:22:37 UTC
Poor Gail... not the best time to realise your partner is an arse. :/ At least Kim seems able to take care of her and offer support and interesting-flavoured icecream...


bookblather July 23 2010, 18:36:46 UTC
Nope, it's really, really not. Fortunately she's only got about two and a half years to go before she meets Nathan, and she does have a support network in the form of Kim and Cecily and a bunch of other people, so she will be okay eventually. Thanks for reading!


subluxate July 22 2010, 15:18:15 UTC
Fun fact: I kept reading "Gail" as "Gina" at first, and that made it really weird. So is avocado ice cream. But bah on you, Kim, for disparaging California rolls.

I'm so glad Gail has Kim and that's she's decided Brad gets no more chances. He doesn't deserve them, and he definitely doesn't deserve to be in Ivy's life (even though Gail is giving him that option).


bookblather July 23 2010, 18:41:21 UTC
Bahahaha yeah, this is so not a Gina story. And apparently avocado ice cream actually exists. I don't even. Kim's opinions on sushi are not necessarily the author's. :D

She's giving him that option more for Ivy's sake than his; if it comes down to it she'd rather Ivy have some sort of father rather than nothing at all. Which is also why she's never lied to Ivy about who she's biologically related to. But yeah, Brad deserves nothing. Thanks for reading!


sarcasticsra July 22 2010, 18:43:24 UTC
Brad, you suck. Go stand in the corner...away from us.

Gail and Kim, on the other hand, are awesome. I loved Kim totally going with the "let's murder Brad" talk; what a good friend she is! This is excellent and so real; I really feel for Gail.

Nice work!


bookblather July 23 2010, 18:43:38 UTC
He should really just go away and never come back. Fortunately I think "Family" is the last time he ever bothers anyone (in this family, anyway). I do so love Kim and her murder plans; that was actually where this whole story started. And at least Gail has Kim and will have Nathan in not-so-very-long?

Thanks for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

bookblather July 23 2010, 18:44:18 UTC
He is a massive jerk. But nothing good ever happens to him, and Gail does have Kim, and her sister and her parents, and soon she will have an Ivy and then she will have a Nathan and then everything will be shiny. :D Thanks for reading!


ichthusfish July 24 2010, 00:14:22 UTC
LOL! This was so cool! Kim has so many great lines in this. Totally agree about the screwing up your kids bit. Haha! Good decision there Gail.

And avacado sushi totally rocks btw ;)


bookblather July 28 2010, 21:02:29 UTC
I will take your word for it. Can't stand the texture of avocado myself. And yeah, Gail makes many of her best decisions thanks to Kim (see also: Nathan). Thanks for reading!


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