Dec 12, 2008 17:22

Sly - Black Raspberry #14. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

Shayna - Pistachio #4. Theatre with Malt
Malt : Falootin's dare - Rune & Lyssa in a modern, real world setting

and Smoothies with Chopped Nuts and Cherries for both!

Word Count : 3485

Our first collaboration! A lot of work (and the awesome Sly did more work than me!)

Celene kicked another lacy something off of her foot as it bounced up and down. Sitting in the chair at her housemate‘s desk, she glared over the two redheads that were rifling through the shorter woman’s closet. Dara seemed completely immersed in her task as the visitor, Lyssa, simply watched the clothes flying back and forth.

“Aha!” came the Irish woman’s happy voice. “Here we go. Something modern day for you to feel pretty in.” She held up three different shirts, dangling from her fingers by the wooden hangers.

Lyssa glanced between the three shirts and quickly grabbed the reddest, and in Celene’s view, smallest top there was. Whatever she muttered to Dara caused the girl to laugh but was lost on Celene.

“Feel free to change in the room,” Dara said, shrugging. “We all have the same parts.”

“I hope,” Celene muttered, watching her competition intently. She couldn’t forget the last time Lyssa had visited…and turned Gennady’s head.

The closet door swung open, hiding Lyssa as she tugged her way into the donated cloth. Dara glared over at her roommate with a frown before turning her attention back to the guest. Celene shrugged, more to herself, and felt her jaw drop as Lyssa closed the closet door once more and gave an appreciative look to her own excessive cleavage. “Uh, Dara?” she said, holding a finger up to indicate her hesitation. “Maybe you want to try something not so…revealing?”

A snort came from the taller woman. “Maybe not?”

“There are plenty of outfits in my room, you know,” Celene pointed out. “Respectable ones.”

“In lime green and baby pink,” Dara added with a grimace in her direction, which the other mirrored.

“Hey! I have some yellow too!”

“My apologies.” The scarred lips quirked up at the end. “I forgot about lemon.”

“I could just wear my own clothes,” Lyssa cut in, motioning toward what she’d come in with. The mud and blood stained cloak hung on the back post of Dara’s bed, dripping some sort of nauseating substance onto the carpet.

Celene felt her stomach turn and quickly shook her head to dispel the notion and the nausea. “I’d rather you go out nude.”

A grin that she had seen mimicked on her roommate’s face many times before crossed over Lyssa’s. “Careful what you wish for.”

“Let’s find you an appropriate bottom to this outfit, okay?” Dara motioned them back to the closet. The clothes flying started up all over again.

“Ah! This!” Lyssa cried, pulling out a skirt that looked to be made of two handkerchiefs barely stitched together.

“Lyssa,” Dara said with as much tact as she could muster, “that one may be a bit too short. It’s even short on me.”

“Mini gone to micro,” Celene interjected.

Lyssa glanced between the both of them before holding up the material to herself. The edge of the skirt barely covered the beginnings of her thighs, let alone her groin. Angling her head around to both sides, she shrugged. “Pah. It covers just fine.”

“Fine?” Celene heard herself squeak. “You may as well not wear underwear either!”

“Don’t even suggest it,” Dara muttered, rubbing her temple as Lyssa began to strip from her dirty pants. As each inch of skin appeared, so did scars down one of her legs. Celene gasped at the extensive damage to one person, who still was able to walk, and couldn’t help blurting out:

“What happened to your leg? Did you get hit by a tractor?”

“What’s a tractor?” Lyssa asked, not glancing up from pulling the skirt over her hips.

“Nevermind. Celene’s spouting nonsense,” said Dara as she leaned back against the dresser. “Nice set of scars. Where’d you get them?”

“This? Teeth,” she replied, running a finger over two of the deeper remains of wounds. “I think it might have busted a few on me.”

“Well, femurs are the body’s strongest bones.” Dara turned the other way, edging up the hem of her shirt where the top part of the scar Celene had seen her get years ago glimmered. “I got a spear to the kidney.”

Leaning over, Lyssa touched the scar lightly. “Nice.”

“Died, even.”

Celene could swear Dara was bragging. “Ugh, you weren’t dead.”

“I was stone cold dead. My god just likes me enough to bring me back.”

Celene shot a glance to the sky before muttering, “Uh huh.”

“Never good when that happens where I come from,” Lyssa interjected as she began to lift her shirt up as well. “I’ve got a nice one right-”

“Don’t!” Celene cried, covering her eyes as Lyssa began to show an inch too far. The guest from another world paused, then shrugged, then let the shirt drop. A knock at the door saved her from the embarrassment as she got up to answer it. Once her hand landed on the doorknob, the door swing inward, barely missing her face

“Hey, you guys-” Niel’s cheerful face fell into a mask of surprise as his eyes fell onto Lyssa. Rune, who had been following him, peeked over his shoulder just long enough to let his jaw drop. Gennady shoved his way between them, obviously aggravated with the sudden halt, and his eyes widened.

“Niel, why don’t you just start drooling too?” Dara said, her voice flat.

“You look lovely too, darling,” he answered, shaking the surprise from his face.

“Spare me,” she said around a gagging noise.

Celene felt her blood begin to boil at the look on Gennady’s face. “Gennady!” She jumped up from her chair, hands on her hips.

Her boyfriend slowly brought his hands up, covering his eyes. He must have remembered the mall excursion because all he began to say, like a mantra, was, “I am not looking. Not.”

Celene shot her angry eyes toward Rune, who’s head was in his hands. Calming at the sight, she heard him said, “Lyss, what happened to fitting in?”

“What about you?” Lyssa motioned at his clothing, most of which looked to be about three sizes too big for him. “You look like you’re wearing wooly curtains.”

Niel stepped in with the explanation. “We had to grab some of Leon’s clothes. The guy is like a tree.” He indicated Rune with his thumb. “No way he could fit into mine or Gennady’s.” Celene looked back over at the Russian who still had his eyes covered.

“Darling,” Dara said, using her mocking tone, “he can hear you. He’s right there.”

Rune didn‘t seem fazed by their conversation, still focusing on Lyssa. “At least no one can see my-”

“It’s called a sweater. It keeps you warm!” Celene shouted a bit too loudly, not wanting to hear whatever Rune was going to say. Lyssa’s clothing was disturbing her enough and whatever body part the man would say would inevitably make her curious.

“But, I thought men liked it when we show off a bit.” Dara looked down at her own clothing, the tight corset and leather pants pretty form fitting. “I think I have some frumpy clothes if you want her to look like a baglady. Or Celene.”

“Dara,” Gennady warned, finally looking up at the group. Celene quickly quieted her rebuttal and sent a smile over to her boyfriend.

Lyssa balked. “Nothing frumpy is coming anywhere near-”

“I never said you had to cover everything. I just think some parts of you should just be mine,” Rune explained, shaking his head slightly.

“Damn straight,” Niel agreed, nodding over to Dara.

“It’s not like I’m letting anyone touch. What’s wrong with showing off?” Lyssa placed a hand on her hip, her eyes focused on Rune.

“Absolutely nothing!” Dara grinned, sending a look back toward Niel.

Celene glanced between the two of them, listening to the playful banter before saying, “Only when you’re a s-”

“I need a smoke,” Gennady announced, turning toward the door. Celene saw the slight shake of his head.

“I wish you wouldn’t,” she said, her voice lowering a bit. “It’s going to kill you.”

Gennady muttered something that eerily sounded like, “Saves me from you,” before walking out the door. Celene froze, turning on her heel. “What was that?” Realizing that he was out of sight, she slowly let her shoulders drop before turning back to the group. Dara was snickering behind her hand and even Lyssa looked amused.

“I could use some saving right about now,” she heard Lyssa say in a low voice.

“You’re not taking up smoking,” Rune said, his voice surprisingly firm.

“It’s a disgusting habit,” Celene added, glad to help Rune. “Truly.”

“Ah, young love,” Dara murmured, taking Niel’s arm.

Niel whispered something down to her before grinning. “We should get going if we’re going to catch the movies.” His eyes found Celene’s. “You’re sure you don’t want to come?”

“Yes. Gen and I are going to be alone for once.” Her heart warmed up at the fact.

“Working on kid number one,” Dara commented, sending Celene’s heart spiraling down into an icy pit again.

“Dara!” she admonished, her face flushing.

“What? You are, aren’t you?” But before Dara could continue, Niel leaned down and kissed her cheek, cutting her down to a smirk.

“Don’t instigate. Let’s get out to the car.”

“I drive!” Dara raced out the door, her feet barely hitting the ground.

“No you don’t!” Celene called after her. “You’ll kill your friends.”

“I’m driving, Dara! That’s not even my car!” Niel shouted as he ran after her.

Rune and Lyssa, who had been quietly arguing since Gennady left, now caught Celene’s attention. “Can you at least put on a cloak or something?” Rune said, obviously exasperated.

“In this weather? I’d die.” Celene watched Rune hold out the sleeves to his heavy sweater and inspect them. “I’m not changing. Deal with it.” With that, Lyssa turned and followed after the other couple. Rune shifted his eyes to Celene, who shrugged back at him, and began out as well. After a moment’s hesitation, she found her own feet following the path.

The sleek, black car that Niel had borrowed still had the flag of Denmark waving on the back. Dara had already made it to the passenger’s seat and was cooing at the leather interior. “I love this car,” she said, loud enough for Celene to hear as she walked down the steps.

“She’s my favorite. And the little flags get me out of so much trouble.” Niel turned to Rune with a grin. “Like her?”

Rune, who was slowly reaching toward the door, quickly yanked his hand back. The look on his face reminded Celene of what Meena had always said was, “deer in the headlights.” He took a step back, his eyes raking along the side. “Her? It’s alive?”

Lyssa, who was near the front of the car, slowly bent down. She poked at the headlights, quickly jumping back as if the car would let out a scream. When nothing happened, she sent an inquisitive glance in Dara’s direction.

“Not alive, per se. Though some men love their cars more than their women,” Dara said, grinning over to the driver.

“Cars don’t complain as much. And cost less,” he responded with a smirk. As if just realizing Lyssa was there, he clears his throat. “Um…is something wrong?”

“Where’s her mouth? And those are the most bizarre legs I’ve ever seen on…anything,” she said, moving around to Rune once again. Celene felt herself groan.

Hiding her snort behind her hand, as she was prone to do, Dara shook her head. “It’s not alive. It’s run by an engine and gasoline…something that comes from coal. Really, it’s like a…”

“Mechanical horse that’s been flattened,” Niel said, nodding while deciding. Celene felt laughter bubbling up but remained quiet to observe.

“And we’re all climbing inside of her - er, its - uh, belly? Whatever all that stuff is you just said.” Lyssa raised a brow as she questioned it, touching the door Rune had forgone.

“I guess it’s like its belly.” Dara tilted her head, looking at the insides of the car. Celene watched as the cogs behind her eyes began to work. “Either way, it’s the fastest way to get to the theater. All inside.”

Dara and Niel slipped inside the car with practiced ease. Outside, Lyssa and Rune sent each other a look of trepidation. Rune, who had watched Dara open the door, slowly copied the movement and motioned Lyssa inside. Celene smiled as he followed after and quickly shut the door.

“Safety first!” Niel called, his voice ringing out the window. “Buckle up!”

Celene couldn’t see it, but she was sure there was a lot of explaining of seatbelts going on inside the car. Dara’s window rolled down as she rested back against the leather seat and grinned out toward her. “Alright. Let’s get going! Bye, Celene! Have fun!”

“You guys too!” she called back, waving slowly. Gennady’s arm wrapped around her waist from behind as he held up a hand, stationary in the air. Once the car pulled out of sight, she let her smile fade and her breath out. “They’re all doomed.”

The lines weren’t that bad, but Niel was simply glad to be off them from all the stares Lyssa had acquired. Dara had to convince Rune to ignore the whistles the third time around. But now the four tickets were in his hands and they slowly made their way inside.

“What is that smell?” Lyssa asked, eyes gleaming, as she stepped into the room, her hand traveling down the handrail.

“Delicious, delicious popcorn,” Dara answered, sighing softly. “Niel?” The pleading tone was all too familiar to him.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m on it,” he replied, taking out his wallet again.

“Good to have them trained,” he caught Dara saying to Lyssa, who responded in snickers. Pausing, he shared a glance with Rune before going to buy two buckets of popcorn. By the time the concession stand got done filling them, the three others were halfway into the theater. Swearing under his breath, he jogged lightly, careful to keep the popcorn in.

“Sit near the back,” Dara said, taking a bucket from him without so much as a thank you. “It’s better.”

“But the kids sit back there,” he protested, walking up the stairs anyway. Once Dara made up her mind, there was no changing it.

“I like pretending to be young again. Move down,” she commanded, motioning for him to sit in the middle after Rune and Lyssa made their way in. Niel watched the confusion with the folding chairs for a few moment before demonstrating with his own.

“Odd things,” Rune muttered.

“Feels like it’s going to eat my-”

Niel cut Lyssa off with some laughter. “I promise, no injuries.

“In those clothes, it just might,” said Rune.

“Here’s your popcorn.” Hastily handing over a bucket to Lyssa, he turned to smile at Dara and steal a handful.

“Here,” Lyssa said, shoving the bucket off on Rune. “You hold this.”

“But I’m not eating it,” Rune said, situating it on his lap anyway. He got no response from Lyssa but a frequent dipping of her hand dangerously close to his groin. Rune shoved the bucket back and forth across his lap, in an effort to keep pace with the hand that seemed determined to reach around it.

“That’s the strangest curtain I’ve ever seen,” she remarked, turning to look at Dara.

“Curtain? I think they got rid of those at the movies a long time ago,” the Irish woman answered, scratching behind her ear.

“That white thing.” Lyssa gestured toward it. “I take it that’s where the stage is.”

“Oh, no stage,” Niel interrupted, Dara’s face still confused. “Just a screen and a projector.” Motioning behind him at the small projector room, the light was shining down on the screen in front.

“Pro-what?” Lyssa scrunched up her face. “Is that another of those electric things?”

“Yeah,” Dara said. “It shines light through a film and the picture is produced on the screen.” She hesitated, biting her bottom lip in thought the way that drove Niel crazy. “Like stained glass windows, I guess.”

“But…not…” Niel said in hesitation.


“Wow, it’s dark!” Lyssa leaned forward, peering at the screen. “How are we going to see- Oh! Pretty!” The screen came to a dazzling life, previews of other movies flying past their vision.

“Basically, we watch the moving pictures and relax. Though we have to sit through about an hour of previews.” The whites of her eyes rolled in the darkness.

“Really about ten minutes,” Niel corrected.

“What’s the difference?”

“Hey!” Rune’s voice rang out. “That’s not the popcorn!”

“Oh dear.” Lyssa didn’t sound remotely surprised. “Is this it over here?”

Nervous to glance over, Niel slowly turned to face them. “What are you--”

“Shush! No speaking during the movie,” Dara said while elbowing him in the stomach. He rubbed where it began to sting and stuck his tongue out at her.

“Hey!” Rune said again.

“Maybe this?” Niel closed his eyes, even more afraid to send a look over.

“Lyssa!” The sound of popcorn shaking in a cardboard container was barely heard amid the opening music. “Just watch the movie.”

“Just like you, eh?” Niel muttered to his girlfriend, shaking his head.

“Quiet,” she demanded again. “Movie is starting.”

The first half hour of the movie went smoothly as Rune and Lyssa stared in shock, and Dara spent time searching out his hand in the darkness to pinch rather than caress. The build up to the action had already begun but as soon as the first fighting scene came underway, the questions began.

“What are those little metal things they keep pointing at each other?” Lyssa’s eyes were slightly squinted as if she couldn’t see them properly.

“Guns,” Niel stated.

“A word explains so much,” Dara said, overdramatically tossing out an arm.

Sending her a look, he cleared his throat and shrugged. “It’s kind of like…shooting an arrowhead extremely fast and tearing it through a person’s body. Dangerous, dangerous weapons.”

“Our weapon of choice in modern day America,” Dara filled in.

“That’s cheating,” said Lyssa, loudly enough that a few heads turned their way. “Disgraceful,” she said, more quietly, turning to both of them. “Doesn’t anyone in your world know how to use a proper weapon? Where are the swords?”

“I think the Japanese still use swords.” Dara sounded unsure, but shrugged and went along with what she was saying. “But we have knives, really. Dagger-like things. Guns are much more efficient.”

Niel nodded. “Quicker, easier to get sometimes. No real broad swords except for collectibles.”

A snort from Lyssa brought giggles from Dara. Niel felt himself surrounded by laughter. “Where’s the fun in that?” the girl beside Rune asked.

“Exactly. Tell that to his sword collection.” Dara jerked a thumb at him.

“Hey! Look who’s talking, Mrs. Spear,” he said in defense of himself.

“I actually use that,” she shot back.

“Well,” Lyssa said, settling back in her seat, “if someone pointed one of those gun things at me, I’d just set them on fire anyway-”

“You want to just watch the movie?” Rune said, his voice tired. Niel immediately regretted his loud argument and sat back in his chair.

“I suppose. You know,” Lyssa whispered, though not quiet enough to be lost to Niel’s ears, “I was enjoying things a lot more when the popcorn was in your lap.”

Rune’s comment was lost to him as Dara found his hand again, but this time began to draw tiny spirals just over his knuckles with her nails. Immediately taking a deep breath in, he gazed down at her and saw the plea in her eyes. Glancing over his shoulder at the couple who was still battling quietly, he leaned over and whispered to her, “We have guests.”

“I don’t care,” came the near silent response. “Kiss me.”

Not one to deny such a welcome invitation, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, trailing his tongue along her lower lip. Feeling her lips curve into a smile, he pulled away lightly to angle his head for better access.

Only a few moments later, a heavy hand fell onto his shoulder and Rune’s voice cried out, “Lyssa!” one more time. Niel immediately broke away from Dara to glance over, only seeing Rune’s slightly red face and Lyssa’s frown. “Please tell him that it’s normal to do what you two are doing in movie theatres? He thinks I’m being inappropriate.”


Niel found himself flushed, immediately coughing. “Well, uh…that is…”

“It’s not…unless you sit in the back. And if a bright light flashes in your face, stop immediately,” Dara said. Lyssa, seemingly satisfied with this answer, turned back to Rune with a smirk. He sent Niel a helpless look which he in turn used to glare at Dara. “What?”

“You’re incorrigible,” he sighed, hanging his head.

“And you love it. Now watch the movie.”

[extra] smoothie, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] malt, [author] shayna, [inactive-author] sly, [challenge] black raspberry, [challenge] pistachio, [topping] cherry

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