Title: A Long, Long Time Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Chocolate chip mint 26 (battered), fudge ripple 13 (doubt), FOTD (manumit: to free from slavery or servitude), pocky chain
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Aww! That was kind of bitter-sweet! I feel sorry for Ned the most. He probably wonders what he did so wrong to put her off guys. Nice line at the end there :)
I like to think that Ned grew up and learned a little bit more about homosexuality and has an "ooooooh" moment and feels a bit stupid. He's a good guy at heart, just very Catholic. Thanks for reading!
The one with Ivy is very sweet and made me smile (that last line! Love!), and the rest were nicely bittersweet and interesting. Glad Gina got out of the relationship with Vanessa while she could. They're all great, but Lily's and Ivy's are my favorites, I think. <3
Thank you very much! Yeah, Vanessa was... not a good relationship choice, and I'm pleased Gina could recognize it in time. Some of my other characters (*coughOLIVIAcough*) probably wouldn't have been able to. And I'm glad you liked Lily and Ivy best. They're my favorites too. Thanks for reading!
Thank you so much! I nicked the five things bit from fandom, because I love the format. I'm kind of hoping to start a trend, not gonna lie. Thanks for reading!
I like how you used the format to explore all of Gina's relationships. It's a cool way of looking at her character and all the people she didn't really click with. And then I really like the Ivy one :)
I really love this; it rings so true, and feels real, and I can vividly imagine each person, even with so few words. And the last bit with Ivy is adorable and perfect.
Comments 17
Ivy only cheats at games, right?
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