Title: The Things That Summer Knows Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Chocolate chip mint 5 (vulnerable), fudge ripple 9 (distraction), FOTD (hugger-mugger: in a muddle or confusion), cherry
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Summer's fun to write-- she's borderline autistic so she has a really unique outlook on the world. I'm glad her voice worked for you, and I'm glad you love the last line as much as I do! Thanks for reading!
She is perfectly happy, really. It helps to have family who understand her, because she'll never really be better, just coping better. But there are people who love her just as she is, so she does too. I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!
Summer makes lists a lot. It's part of her functioning, so I figured I should write her story in a way that she would. Thanks very much for your compliments!
Thank you so much! Summer's fun because she thinks about stuff in a way that not a lot of people do, so I can write things about her in a completely different way. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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