Title: Lunatic Moon
Story Continuity: Returning Away/Fun With the Tarot
Artist: darkfaerieclaw
Prompts: Cranberry #19: the moon, Watermelon #26: that's what I've been trying to tell you
Extra/Toppings: Hot Fudge (Salome), Banana, Cherry (for the poem)
Rating: G
Characters: Salome as the Moon, Sara Smyth as a lunatic, Sara's pets Spumoni the Axolotl and Lemon Chiffon the rainbow fish as houses
Summary: Characteristics often associated with the moon card by students of the tarot: lack of clarity, fantasy, romanticism, obscured vision, psychological conflict, fear, deception, illusion. Because Sara's encephalomancy has left her twisted inside, and Salome's forte has always been illusion. Frame snippet is a poem about Sara in Sara's grammar-checked POV listed in full behind the cut as the Watermelon prompt, below the picture).
Note: Pic is what you get when a linear mind tries for odd.
I have seen the madness of the sun
And I have seen the sun behind my pupil
Shining and airy,
like love
It makes everyone a little wary
to see such bright clarity where there
should be
I'm a broken teacup
Filling myself with my own broken slang
And all the stars blink out at the sight of me,
Maybe sometime I can hang
with the little dipper
And you say that the world is full of
fantastic slippery wonders
But that's what I've been saying all along
That everything fades like the sound of thunder
All my life long
And I'm left in a field of void waiting for
What I came for
To come back or forth
And just like
the drumming of thunder
I'm slipping
And slipping
I just want to be a sepia-wrapped memory upon my death
And experience something sense-making when I draw breath
A thing worthy of reliving
Which part was too much?