Author: Indie
Rating: PG
Challenge: Apple Pie #5 (heirloom), Marshmallow #5 (hand-me-downs) Peanut Butter #2 (water)
Extra: Chopped Nuts
Word Count: 1,994
Story: The Nolanverse, AU. (
Notes: A Band AU, pretty self contained, kind of cute. Just a night on the tour. Romulus, Zia, Nolan, and Noble, with mentions of Rylie. I pretty much fell in love
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By the way, you maybe forgot your author tag.
PS in this banon I think we might run into Rory at a show because he's such a fangirl and Hel has to chaperone. :)
Err... Not that I have a mancrush or anything. Not me, no.
Rory has this thing for older women, so Zia comes to mind, but obviously if Rory were to marry Zia and Hel were to marry Rom it'd be incest, and Hel gets dibs first, so Zia is out.
And I'd go with Nolan, because, I mean, everyone has a mancrush on Nolan. Even the wimminz. I could totally see Rory looking up to the dude as, like, an older bro figure. But why would Rory crush on Nolan when he has...
Noble, the long-haired Asian dude! (Or... I envision him with long hair, anyway.) Seriously, I bet Noble's hair friggin' sparkles because of his friggin' Japanese-designed miracle shampoo with nanobots that kill hair imperfections on sight. Obviously Rory has eyes only for him. I mean, look at Rory's hair! Obviously crazy fanboy impulse.
Anyway, you are quite welcome.
(Going to bed now. Night!)
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