Author: luveliwords
Story: The Diary of Love
Prompt: Blueberry Yogurt # 21 - Blackmail
Rating: PG
Word count: 310
Notes: Adam goes on a rant...and then keeps writing. This is his second entry on his quest to find the perfect love.
September 19, 20??
Dear The Love of My Life,
It did not occur to me that other people could get a hold of this journal and either 1) read it for themselves and get a good laugh/take it seriously 2) publish it to my utmost chagrin 3) be insulted and tell the people involved in my writing the nasty things I said about them (which in fact will not be nasty, just critics of their personality, behavior, etc.) or 4) BLACKMAIL ME... I don't know what to think. This does serve a purpose...albeit a selfish one. Perhaps when my quest is said and done and I am happy...I will burn this book so no one can use it against me. Anyway, I should blame Laurent (my dearest and oldest friend) for my current state of paranoia. I was supposed to enjoy this writing...not feel threatened by it. I suppose it cannot be helped at this point and I will soldier on. Though I'm just being quiet foolish. In other news, I met a rather interesting man today, his name was Carlton Sweet. An athlete and he works in the city as a journalist. We had a rather stimulating conversation about some authors we both liked and the state of politics and the economy. He was tall, with pale skin and gray-ish colored eyes. He was soft spoken, but easily excited and entertaining when we were on a topic he obviously enjoyed. I liked him. Perhaps this Carlton Sweet is you...the love of my life...we shall see. (And maybe I should address this journal more openly instead of to the epitome of my wants, desires, and's very odd. Then again...this whole situation is odd) I think I should go to bed or relax a littl now...the four espressos I had before are getting to me...
Good bye and Goodnight