Hi, everyone. I'm Naera (and if you could tag me as that, it would be great) and I just created my account, so if I break some unwritten rule of etiquette on LJ, feel free to tell me that before taking out the clubs and pitchforks. You can blame
slysionnachnano for my discovery RATs.
I've never been one of the twenty paragraph backstories (...and then my Great Aunt Beryll got her first yorkshire terrier...) masked as introductions, so I'll try not to ramble too much.
I love to read and write (ORLY?) but aside from the main nerdish conquests, I also rock climb and take far too many pictures for my own good. I want to travel- and no, I don't mean visit all the Hiltons around the world, or do 'adventure' activities that are just about as adventurous as walking Fluffy around the block- I mean proper traveling. I don't want to see the world, I want to experience it.
As far as writing goes, I'm in the middle of an insane Augno story that (in an alternate universe) would be classified as humor. I won't bother divulging plot details, partially because I'm secretive about my writing, but mostly because I don't have any.
I'm completely confused by the setup of, well, everything, so if someone can enlighten me, it would be much appreciated.
Naera, over 'n' out.