Author: C
Rating: PG/PG13
Wordcount: 241
Story / Universe: CAU, Colorless
Challenges: Chocolate Chip Mint 11 - translucent; Cookies 'n' Cream 24 - play; Maple Walnut 20 - read my lips
Toppings / Extras: Rainbow Sprinkles. Chopped Nuts [CAU]. Cherry [i-it's sort of fluffy romance! A-and if you take away one of the people involved in a canonical other pairing the angst diminishes so much, it's amazing!]
Notes: This was meant to be a Pocky. Oh, well, 141 words give or take... also, things with this narrator in are going to hit the fan of confusion quite a bit when CAU's story starts happening as apparently there will be three of zie involved. (The C is secretive as to who it is!) Um... they should be sixteenish or so. Teenagers, anyway.
Alice and I were sitting very close together, knees almost touching, but when she asked me something I barely heard the query or my answer.
Neither did she. “Sorry. What?” she asked.
I smiled, shrugged. It hadn’t been an easy answer anyway. “The din is awful, isn’t it? We’d be better off reading lips, or something.”
“Is what people are going to say printed there before they do, or something, then? Words. Let me see. They’d have to be serif italics, paler - translucent, yes! - so the meaning shines through, and maybe squiggly?” We both knew what I’d meant, but I loved hearing Alice’s willful misunderstandings as much as she loved doing them. She took my face in both her hands and scrutinized it. “I don’t see anything,” Alice said, disappointed.
“It could be Braille,” I suggested, playing along. Alice shrugged and ran a finger over my lips - carefully, as if she thought I’d break - then without warning leaned forward and kissed me lightly before turning away.
I was smiling slightly and she was blushing pale pink. “It’s that supposedly your lips are the most sensitive nerves on skin you have. But then I got kind of distracted and didn’t check so very well. Sorry.” She hung her head, apologetic.
I didn’t require an explanation. I hadn’t objected at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. “I guess you’d just have to try again sometime.”
Alice looked at me and smiled. “Guess so.”