Title: Communication
Rating: G
Word count: 77
Challenge: Flavour of the Day 25/6/09- sough (intransitive verb) 1. To make a soft, low sighing or rustling sound, as the wind. (noun) 1. A soft, low rustling or sighing sound.
Extra: Pocky
Summary: The bird’s voice.
Notes: Close to the beginning of their time together.
Being human, he couldn’t be expected to be on top on understanding birds in general- but she was his partner now, wasn’t she? Surely it was reasonable to assume that he’d listen for her voice, especially when his hearing was augmented, and at least try to understand her. She wasn’t that soft.
Clearly, she was going to have to find him a dragon’s tongue at some point, but for the moment, bothering him would have to do.