
Jun 15, 2009 17:46

Hello! I'm purplevks (that's what I would like to be tagged under, please) and I write slash. Lots and lots of it. Some Mostly of the NC-17 kind, though I do write pg-13, gen, and sometimes even het. I like to read books, watch tv, play Japanese video games, read comic books and manga, and watch anime. I am decent with a computer, but HTML fails me sometimes. I am not quite a nerd, but I've read Douglas Adams and think Doctor Who is just about the best thing ever. I have ADD, dyslexia, and mono, which combine to make me a forgetful, easily distracted cranky girl who gets sick easy and can't spell without computer aid. (On that note, if you see a spelling error, point it out. Its really hard for me to spot them)

jayellebee pointed this community out to me. I am her personal NC-17 generator. possible evil twin.

I am completely in love the sheer number of challenges here. I want to write them all. I have a spreadsheet.

Oh! I attend an Arts high school as a Communications Arts major. I had the option of switching to creative writing, but I wanted to do another year with things like photoshop and web design and photography before I tightened my focus.

If you're really, really want to read other stuff by me,  original stuff is tagged under 'of' in my journal. I'm not super organized, but I'm pretty reliable about tagging.

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