Day Five

Feb 06, 2004 19:06

I was right, yesterday, when I said that the Fire Elemental would come! So Abdulla Doo paniced mentioned to me when I sat down to eat breakfast. This is really bad! I have no idea on how to completly neutralize the elemental yet! But I'll have to do something today, because if I do not try anything, it will certainly burn the city down effortlessly!

Meanwhile I find something, however, I'll need to occupy him. Heck, I'll try to just attack it right off! With the power of the sword! And Magic! And Daggers! And of course rocks! I'll go try that!

ADDEMTUM 1: Ouch. That din't worked. I tried everything : Attack him with my sword(Wich melted in my hands, bursting the remains on fire and ...uh, killed me.), daggers(no effects -- well, beside that one that got somehow reflected by a flick of fire and landing in my forhead), rocks(I wont even COMMENT on what happened there!) and magic(I never realised that Force Bolts could be put on fire and hurt that much.). I retrated back to the Katta's Tail to rethink of my offensive.

What did Aziza says? Water is it's contrairy element...lure it to somewhere where it's can be contained...Hum. Hey! That's give me an idea! I'll be back!

ADDEMTUM 2: D'oh. Herokarp need more training! His mighty watery attacks hardly phased the Fire Elemental! He got seriously wounded, but I think one of my Health potions did him some good. He'll be okay, but when I can, I'll bring him to the Dervish's oasis for the rest of the time I'm in Shapeir. Just in case.

...I, uh, tried to capture it with a pokeball I bought along, but it's din't worked either. Looks like I'll need to think more about Aziza's advice. So, I quickly retreated from the Fire Elemental to wander Shapeir, thinking quickly of a plan to take. Fortunatly, the Elemental seemed more preoccupied to burn the sign of the Katta's Tail than chasing after me.

I ran around thinking and thinking, but I could not find anything. My waterskins are too small to do anything, my weapons were usless and so was my magic. The sky was darkening...certainly because of the smoke...I needed to hurry.

That is, until I ran past a stand of oil lamps.

It's when I clicked. Of course! A lamp! Why I din't saw that earlier!? I hurriedly bought one(15 dinars, did not bothered to bargain it. Heck, I gave more to the Katta), thanksed

The container was aquired. Now to find a lure for the fiery fish...

I remmber the man in the Apothecary demonstrating me some kind of incense that Fire is irremediably attracted to. I raced there, quickly asked him about the wonderfull life saving product, gave him his money(One whole dinar, while it's was costing merly 70 centimes!) and hurried back to the Gate Plaza. As I went, the sky increasingly went darker and darker...I must make haste!

I arrived in the Plaza. The place looked much more blackened, but otherwise nothing a little cleaning wont fix. It was time to get rid of this thing!



That, it was the noise of a thunder. And with thunder, usualy come rain...

It's came.

The Fire Elemental, trying desperatedly to flee the death from above, floated above franaticaly, to evantualy only become a small flame. Taking advantage, I an over, placed the brass lamp close by. The Elemental jumped in to flee the water...Falling in the trap.

Of all the times for here, Shapeir, a desertic region, to rain, it's does when it was most needed...

I'm sure even Omar did NOT foresaw THAT one!

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, compared to the rest. Nothing worth mentions(Except maby Shema was even more gratefull than usual -- the dinner was exceptional, even by her standarts). I also took time to bring Herokarp to the Oasis -- he'll be happy for a while there.

For good measure, here an image of the Elemental. Just you guys had an idea what I was coping with.


What a day...Good night, everyone!

Oh, last thing...

Anyone know what 'Effendi' means? Everyone been calling me that. Oh well...
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