Asking Too Much for yoake_no_sora

Jul 14, 2013 18:40

Title: Asking Too Much
For: yoake_no_sora
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Rating: PG
Length: 4,963
Summary : Jongin is an idiot, Sehun is awkward, and oh look someone cute just moved in across the street.

Sehun didn’t mean to be shy. It was something that came natural to him. Something that he had grown to accept, realize and obey. A rule, a regulation, that tied him down and taped over his words. Suffocating him. Destroying his passion.
He could be someone sociable, affectionate, humorous.
He knew he could. He could feel potential entombed within him, waiting, waiting.
But he had become the expected. Falling into characteristics that others laid out for him.

“Ice Prince” they would call him.

And Ice Prince he became.

But Sehun still always had something deep inside of him.
A yearning for something greater than this.
Something better than perching upon this frosty throne.
Something warm, comforting.
To melt away the layers that have built upon his heart.

This craving must have shown on his face for it didn’t surprise him much when his younger sister slapped down a romance novel onto his laptop keyboard.

“What?” His voice came out dry and bitter as he eyed the book that rudely interrupted his essay writing.

“You need to get laid. I thought this would help you on your quest.” His sister stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world before prancing out of the room smugly.

“You are impossible.” The boy said before faceplanting into his desk. “I’m fine on my own!”

Yet there was a part of him, larger than he would like to admit, that did indeed thirst for love.

His mother baked him a chocolate cake for his 18th birthday. It was decorated messily with pink frosting that he knew was courtesy of his sister. He smiled at this and was about to cut into its disastrous perfection when a hand fell unto his shoulder.

“Wait! We need to add the candles!” His sister said pushing him not-so-gently away from the cake. He sucked in a breath and sighed as 18 candles were stabbed chaotically into the chocolate flesh. His sister then stepped to the side with a grin and motioned towards the mess of a cake.

He breathed in slowly.
And breathed out-

“Did you make a wish?” A finger was jabbed into his side.

Sehun spluttered and looked at her with raised brows. “A wish? Really? How old are we?”

“Please?” She said averting her gaze to the floor. “For old time's sake?”

“Alright.” The boy sighed and nodded before scrunching his face up while he thought.

It didn’t take much time for him to pinpoint his wish.

“I got it...” He said softly. “I know what I want to wish for.”

His sister smiled and nudged him towards the cake. “Then go for it.”

He slowly stepped forward.
Opened his mouth.
And blew.
Extinguishing the tiny flames
and whispering that that he wanted most.

“I want love. To love someone with all my heart. To not spare a moment without thinking of them. To be able to dream sweetly of them and relive their smile endless times. I wish for the desire to hold someone close. To need to hear their voice, their laughter. I wish to love. “

He paused; a sudden weight in his throat nearly choked him, almost blocking out what he said next.

“But I do not wish for them to love me back...
I think that would be asking for too much.”

On days when Sehun felt his worst he would always wonder down the busy streets of Seoul until he ended up at a small breakfast cafe that served what Sehun described as “the best pancakes he had ever eaten”.

Sadly on most days his friend Jongin was there to harass him.

“Hey! Sehun! Long time no see!”Jongin slid into the seat across from him with a large smirk.

“You see me here at least once a week, Jongin.’ Sehun growled, stabbing his fork into the pancakes the waitress had delivered moments before Jongin made his appearance.

Jongin snickered and snatched a sip from Sehun’s glass of milk. “Ice Prince as usual I see.”

“Like always.” Sehun said flatly, maintaining his poker face.

The words “Ice Prince” had started to sicken him.

Jongin laughed and patted Sehun roughly on the shoulder. “How do you even manage to make your face look like that all day?”


Jongin laughed again and stood up from the table. “Well it was nice talking but I have to get back to work, okay? See you later.”

Jongin was about to head back over to the kitchen when he noticed an interesting looking book cover that peaked slightly out of Sehun’s bag. He rapidly seized the book and dangled it directly over Sehun’s Pancakes.

“What’s this?” He chimed with a tilt of his head. “Sehunnie reads romance novels now?”

“It’s my sisters.”

“And what are you doing with your sisters romance novel in your bag hmm?” Jongin bit his lip to hold back the snickers that bubbled up in his throat.

“She thinks it will help me get laid.”

He could no longer contain his laughter as he nearly choked at Sehun’s words.
“Well.. Perhaps she’s right.” He said with a shrug and tossed the book back into Sehun’s bag “I’ll see you later, kay?”

Sehun really hoped he wouldn’t.

Sehun’s mother had always been the friendly neighbor on their street. She’d constantly make treats for the other children, invite many of the adults over a homemade dinner and even nag Sehun’s father to shovel all of the driveways in the winter even though they hardly ever had much.
So when someone new moved in across the street from them, Sehun’s mother was bound to be the first to construct a lavish welcoming gift basket. Typically she would be the one to waltz over and greet the new neighbors with her warm motherly smile, but she had recently tripped on the stairs and consequently had a broken ankle.

Thus Sehun was shoved out the door with a large basket thrusted into his arms.

He wasn’t good at idle chatting between strangers. He hadn’t perfected that art like the rest of his family. They were naturals at striking up a conversation with almost anyone while Sehun could hardly push a simple “Hello” from between his lips.

But, surprisingly, he mustered up the resolve to greet the young looking boy that opened the door to him.

“Hello. I’m Sehun. I live across the street.” He mumbled, holding the basket up in front of his face.

The boy on the other side of the basket chuckled and, much to Sehun’s discomfort, pushed the basket down slightly; he wanted to see the face of his new neighbor.

“Hello, Sehun.” He said with a smile once he could finally look the other boy in the eyes. “I’m Luhan.”

Sehun felt as though he had suddenly forgotten how to breathe.

Not because of the boy’s honeyed hair.
Not because of the boy’s dewy lips.
Not because of his sugar-white teeth.

But because of the compassion and warmth that was communicated simply through the gleam of his eyes.

Something Sehun envied,
yet adored.

“Are you alright?” Luhan asked with a small chuckle.

“O-of course I am.” He stuttered in response, wishing desperately to conceal himself with the basket once more. He settled for practically throwing it into Luhans face instead. “Welcome to the neighborhood!” He announced loudly, startling the other boy for a moment before his face pulled once more into a smile as he wrapped his arms around the gift.


“My mom arranged it.” He said dumbly.

“How nice of her. I have food in the oven right now so I better go check on it. It was nice meeting you, Sehun?”

“Sehun.” He confirmed.

Luhan nodded and shifted the package in his arms. “I’ll remember that. See you around, Sehun.” His face dimmed slightly and he stepped back slowly, making to close the door.

“Yeah! I’ll see you!” Sehun said a little too quickly, nodded a little too enthusiastically, and squirmed uneasily as the other boy chuckled softly and brought the door to a close.

“See you around, Sehun” Sehun echoed the boys words to the sealed doors.

Sehun really hoped he would.

But the world of fate hardly fancied Sehun.
He found his personal space being invaded by Jongin the very day after his meeting with the neighbor.

“Hey! Have you studied for our math exam yet?”


“Can I borrow your history notes?”


“Will you buy me ice cream? Please, please!”


“Are you going to that party on Friday?”


“Oh come on Sehun.” Jongin pouted and hit Sehun’s arm. “You’re no fun!”

“You expected me to be fun?” Sehun rolled his eyes and pushed Jongin away.

“To be honest...No. You’re really lame.”

This time Jongin was smacked on the arm.

“Yah! Sehunnie! Don’t hit your best friend!” Jongin
whined and poked Sehun’s cheek with a snicker.

“Yah. Jongin. Leave me alone.” Sehun popped in earphones to demonstrate his annoyance to the other boy. Jongin just laughed and yanked the earphones back out.

“So, tell me Sehunnie. Liking anyone these days?” Jongin’s eyes narrowed as his face lit up with amusement.


“Oh come on!” The table before them wobbled as Jongin’s hands slapped down on it. “See? This is why you need to come to the party with me! It’ll be fun!”

“Being in a cramped room filled with sweaty teenagers, luke warm alcohol, and obnoxiously loud dubstep isn’t what I deem fun.” Sehun brings his mug up to his lips; welcoming the taste of warm peppermint tea onto his tongue. He sighed contently and held the mug just below his nose, intaking the sweet, fresh smell.
All was suddenly relaxed, silent, peaceful.
Probably because Jongin had unexpectedly shut up.
Sehun looked up from his tea to see Jongin peering just past him with a mixed look of puzzlement and amusement.

“What is it?” He asked, poking Jongin’s cheek in the process.

“I swear I just saw some guy walk into the girls bathroom.”

Sure enough, mere seconds later a young looking boy came tumbling out of the girls bathroom looking severely disoriented. He ruffled his hair back into place and awkwardly walked over to a table on the far left, just a few spots away from a group of teenage boys who did nothing to suppress their laughter. The boy clearly noticed this and ensued to lower his head to his hands and shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Sehun was disgusted,
and particularly stunned by the scene before him.

He stood; his bandage of shyness suddenly ripped off.

“L-leave him a-alone.” He commanded, stomping his foot for emphasis.

It came out more awkward and hoarse than intimidating.

But it worked.
The attention of the cafe that was once placed on the other male was now turned directly to Sehun. Eyes furrowed in confusion, mouths parted in unasked questions.

Sehun flushed red and rocked back and forth slowly on his feet.

Well that didn’t go as planned' He thought, glancing around at the expectant faces all turned waiting for him to say something more.

“Sehun?” The seemingly young boy spoke up.

Sehun turned and caught the other’s eyes.
Those same warm, affectionate eyes.

Maybe fate fancied him after all.

“Hey, neighbor.”

Sehun invited Luhan to join Jongin and himself at their table. The boy seemed relieved and gratefully took up the offer. Silence fell among them as they all sat, watching each other while sipping slowly from their cups. Normally the appropriate thing to do would be to start up a conversation. But Sehun was no conversationalist, not even close.
Luckily, Jongin was.

“So, Luhan was it?” Jongin said casually after forcefully setting his cup down to break the wall of tension.

“Yes?” Eyes twitched with intrigue at the mention of his name.

“What do you...uh, like to do?”

Sehun decided that bopping Jongin on the head later for asking such a lame question would suffice as punishment.

A smile broke out on Luhan’s face as he visibly relaxed in his seat and tallied off his hobbies on his fingers. “Soccer, baseball, football, basketball, playing video games computer programming, art, singing, dancing...Oh! AND I’m pretty good at solving a rubix cube!” The grin directed at Jongin was almost blinding.

Sehun now decided that he had better start taking note.

He had also decided that all he wished for was to turn Luhans head ever so slightly to the right and see that smile directed at himself.

Being the cause of such a brilliant smile was a wish even greater.

“Don’t you think so, Sehun?” Jongin had his infectious candied voice on. Whatever he was asking about, it would not end well for Sehun.

“Pardon?” Sehun blinked away the glossy look in his eyes.

“The party on friday. I just invited Luhan to come with us.”

“But I said I'm not-” An elbow trusted itself into Sehun’s ribcage. “R-right. The party...” He stammered, hoping he sounded at least vaguely believable.

“Great!” The giant grin on Jongin’s face reminded Sehun of a smiling snake. A smiling snake right before you find it’s teeth sunk into your flesh. Luhan didn’t seem to notice however and nodded gleefully before rising from his seat.

“Sounds fun. I better be going now though.” His eyes amusedly flicked between both Sehun and Jongin before he shrugged his bag over his shoulder. “I’ll see you two on friday.”

Sehun wasn't going to that party.
Absolutely nothing could coax him out of the house in overwhelmingly restricting black skinny jeans and a breezy, almost transparent, v-neck. He felt awkward and exposed.

"I feel naked." He informed the mirror as he looked himself over. He then reminded himself that this was a party and half the people there would be practically naked.
Exactly why parties made him uncomfortable.

"I can't do this." He grumbled to empty air as he threw himself dramatically onto his bed and smushed his face into his pillow. "I am not going to that party."

The doorbell chimed in the distance followed moments later by Sehun’s name being called by his mother downstairs. He staggered to his feet and tumbled down the stairs to the front door.

Now, Sehun expected the reason for him being beckoned from his room would be to help his mother bring in the take out that had been delivered. Or even, perhaps, the mailman dropping off the new laptop he had ordered.

The very last scenario he would have predicted was seeing the very replica of Sehun’s “revealing” outfit hugging tightly around the body of his dear neighbour.
A lump in his throat was quickly swallowed down as he pointed his gaze onto eyes that matched his own unease.

“We’re wearing the same thing.” Luhan deadpanned.

“I, Uh, I guess we are.” Sehun scratched the back of his neck and slumped back onto the side of the stairs. “But, don’t worry, I’m not going.”

“Oh?” Luhan’s eyebrows crushed together into an expression of particular disappointment. “I came over here to see if you wanted to get a ride there with me, but if you’re not going..” A small intentional pout crossed over his lips to be then topped off by a slight sniffle.

Needless to say, whatever argument Sehun was going to throw back had instantly liquified.

“I...I could give it a shot.” He muttered through pursed lips.

“Awesome!” The suddenly overly enthusiastic warm-eyed boy cheered. Then his jaw snapped closed and the his eyes hardened onto Sehun’s. “But, seriously, go change.”

About 10 outfit changes and a rearranged closet later (Luhan insisted he helped pick out the outfit which resulted in Sehun’s closet being dumped out on the floor) the two headed out to Luhan’s car. Sehun wasn’t exactly surprised when he found a grinning Jongin sitting shot-gun.

“Great job, Luhan! Took longer than I thought...But you still got him out here!” Jongin high-fived Luhan as soon as he slid in next to him in the driver's seat.

“That’s because he was wearing the same outfit as me!” Luhan insisted.

“You two planned this didn’t you.” Sehun grumpily sat himself in the back seat.

“Of course!” The two exclaimed sounding incredibly pleased with themselves.

Sehun rolled his eyes and leaned against the window. “Well, are we going or what?”

“Yes, Sir!” Luhan said with a chuckle and a small salute. The engine rumbled as Luhan started the car and a knot twisted within Sehun’s gut. This was it, he was on his way to his first social gathering aside from his chaperoned high school graduation party. Strangely enough, he was suddenly excited.

The party was exactly as Sehun expected--loud, sweaty, and uncomfortable. He somehow ended up situated between a short, intoxicated, bleached blonde girl and a unnaturally tall jock who looked about twice as drunk and twice as bleached.
It didn’t help that the two decided to bend awkwardly around Sehun in order to obnoxiously eat each other's faces. After struggling to pry himself away from the couple, Sehun quickly glanced around the room in attempt to locate Jongin and Luhan. The grinding bodies swarming the room provided quite the maze.

Finding Luhan and Jongin in this mess was going to be more difficult than finding Waldo.

Sehun elbowed his way into the kitchen, partially to find Luhan an Jongin and partially just to get out of the crowd for awhile. He was promptly offered about five beers and awkwardly accepted one to keep up his new “cool” image. Going to a popular party was the first step.
Fitting in isn’t half as hard as he thought; maybe it’s the end of Mr. Ice Prince Sehun and the beginning of Mr. Awesome Jock Sehun. Perhaps the ice wall was finally melting.

A herd of half naked girls suddenly crashed into the kitchen and bumped into Sehun who then reacquainted his face with the floor.

Mr. Awesome Jock Sehun.
Yeah, right.

After pulling his now beer-covered self off the floor, Sehun decided it would be better to loiter somewhere else. He chose to climb the stairs. Avoiding the bodies draped over the steps in a heated make-out session proved to be quite the task. Especially when one couple latched onto his leg and tried to pull him down in an attempt to get him to join them.

He none-too-gently kicked them off and kept climbing.

“Damn, Ice Prince’s no fun.” One of the pair complained as she threw an empty red cup at Sehun’s receding back.

Sehun said nothing, and the melting ice he had flooding around him froze back over.

He reached the top of the stairs and flead into a nearby room only to interrupt a kissing couple. He stood frozen for a moment. Their kisses were gentle and Sehun couldn’t help but admire how they looked so blissful, so serene, so in love.

Pain shot through Sehun’s chest with a bang. Soon, he found himself sitting on the floor of bathroom with his head hung between his hands.

It wasn’t because he interrupted them.
It wasn’t because of the kissing.
It wasn’t because of how much affection the two seemed to share.

It was because he found Waldo.

It was the way Jongin’s hand tenderly brushed across Luhan’s cheek.
It was the way Luhan’s hands fisted into Jongin’s shirt to draw him closer.
It was the way their eyes rested faintly shut in a unspoken bliss.

It was the way Sehun all too suddenly realized he hated seeing them together.

There was a hesitant knock at the door. Sehun stilled, holding in a breath as the knock sounded again with added force. He made no move for the door; an anxious feeling bubbled in his gut.

“Hey. Is anyone in there? I seriously need to take a piss.”

Sehun was both relieved and disappointed when the voice on the other side was unfamiliar.

He let out a shaky puff of air as he used the counter to pull himself up. Composing himself, he opened the door. The stranger on the other side shoved past him into the washroom and shut the door without a word.

Sehun caught a cab home.

“Hey, Sehun. Your phones ringing.” A finger pressed itself into Sehun’s cheek.

“I know.” He grumbled into his his homework that he had previously smushed his face into.

“Then go answer it, idiot.” His sister began poking his face repeatedly.

“I’d rather not.”

“Sehun, Sehun...” She tsked and crouched down to meet her brothers eye-level. “It’s been ringing for the last hour and a half! Just answer the goddamn phone!” She screeched into his ear causing Sehun to nearly fall from his chair.

"Alright...Alright," He groaned as he reached across his desk for his smart phone. He felt his fingers shake slightly as he pressed the accept call button and held the cool surface to his ear. "Hello?"

"Finally!" The voice on the other end practically screamed into the reciever, Sehun held the phone away from his ear.

"Hi, Jongin."

"Don't 'Hi' me. Where did you go last night, you just disapeared. Luhan and I ran around looking for you for three hours until we finally called your house and your sister told us you had already come home. What the hell, man."

Sehun swallowed thickly, not particularily enjoying the returning thoughts of a certain two individuals doing certain things at a certain party.

"I just wanted to go home, I didn't think I should bother you guys so I just called a cab."

He could hear Jongin's anguished sigh through the phone, "That wouldn't have bothered us! Really, Sehun? What bothered us was thinking you had been lost somewhere or kidnapped or something. Do you understand how scared we where?!"

"Okay, Mom."

Jongin snorted and Sehun could visualize him rolling his eyes right about now. "Anyways, did you want to go for ice-cream today? I hear the ice cream truck started running again yesterday, by this time it should be around the park just a few blocks from my house."

It didn't sound particularly appealing to Sehun to go anywhere with Jongin right now, after seeing what he saw last night. However, passing up ice cream was never an option.

"Fine, meet you there in 15." He said before rudely hanging up before Jongin could say anything in return.

As Sehun took a few steps outside, he warily eyed the house across from his as if expecting Luhan to randomly burst through his door at any moment rambling on about how worried he had been and how sorry he was for leaving Sehun alone at the party.
But as Sehun turned the corner out of his street he knew that that was not going to be happening any time soon.

But as he turned into Jongin's street he realized he was mistaken. Luhan practically flew at him the moment they made eye-contact. Being the awkward turtle he was he let out an unmanly shriek as arms pulled him into an aggressive hug.

Jongin just laughed as Sehun attempted to wriggle his way out of Luhan's death grip while simultaneously trying to keep the blush off his face.

"Sehun you little twerp why did you just disappear!"


"Damn right you better be sorry! We were looking for you forever and-"

"It's okay, Luhan. I already yelled at him for you." Jongin cut in, giving Sehun an intentionally painful slap on the back. "Let just go get some ice cream before the truck leaves the park."

"Fine, fine." Luhan chuckled and slung an arm over Sehun's shoulder instead. "Let's go!"

After the three had caught up to the ice cream truck and bought their treats they took to sitting on a bench by the park fountain. Sehun was awkwardly placed in the middle of the three of him.

"Are you sure you two don't want to sit together?" He asked quietly, receiving questioning looked from both Jongin and Luhan.

"It doesn't really matter does it?" Jongin asked with a shrug.

"Well I thought...because you two know"
"Are what?" Luhan asked, his eyebrows knotting together.

Sehun sucked in a breath, he'd dug himself to deep to climb out now, "an item," it sounded like more of a question than a statement.

Two vanilla ice cream cones simultaneously fell to the ground before laughter erupted from either side of Sehun.

"What would have given you that idea?" Jongin questioned in between fits of giggles.

"Well, I, Uh-" Sehun felt his face burn as the cackling refused to subside.

"What else would I think if I saw you guys making out and who knows what else last night?" He finally blurted, causing the entire park to fall silent. A mother a few steps away from them covered her child's ears and pulled her away.



Sehun played with his fingers, refusing to look up, the images he was suppressing of Luhan and Jongin holding onto each other so close becoming too real. "I hope you two are happy together." He said quietly before getting up from the bench.

"Now wait just a minute!" Jongin said, standing up as well, grabbing onto Sehun's shoulder and spinning him around. "You're kidding right?!" Sehun couldn't deny that Jongin looked absolutely shocked, he was quite a good actor. Luhan just sat with his mouth agape on the bench.

"Ew, ew, ew ew ew ew ew." Jongin started muttering to himself, "you mean I kissed that." He pointed an accusatory finger at Luhan.

Luhan finally closed his mouth to frown at Jongin, "that? I'm offended." He crossed his arms. "Wow I must have been more drunk than I thought if I kissed that idiot."

"Who are you calling idiot, idiot!"

And as the two continued to throw insults back and forth at each other, Sehun couldn't help but feel incredibly relieved. Ice Prince still had a chance.

It was the days when it rained that Sehun would sit on the bottom stair to his front door and stare into the puddles forming at his feet. An image of his face would appear in the waters, but it would be warped, and rippled every time another drop would fall. It was always changing, always rearranging itself. Sehun would wonder if he could be changed too, if he was already in the midst of changing.

The drops that continuously rained down on him suddenly came to a stop, but the drops around him continued. He looked up and saw blue and white stripes. He looked slightly downwards and saw Luhan standing in front of him holding the umbrella over his head.

"You looked a little wet." He chuckled softly, pressing the handle into Sehun's hand. "I thought you could use this"

Sehun smiled and Luhan looked at him with a lost expression.

"You should smile more often. It looks good on you."

Sehun realized in that moment as Luhan sheepishly smiled back, eyes crinkling slightly at the edges, rain causing his hair to stick to his forehead, just how hard he had fallen and wondered how on earth he was going to get back up.

"That would be asking too much" He muttered to the ceiling, "that would be asking too much"

"What would be asking too much?"

Sehun shot upwards, before rolling his eyes at his sister and flopping back down on his pillows. "How'd you get in hear."

"Well," she began, "there's this thing called a door knob and when you turn it the door-"

"Nevermind." Sehun flipped over onto his stomach and sighed loudly. His sister took a seat on the edge of his bed, he should've known she wouldn't mind her own business.

"What's the matter?"

"Leave me alone."

"Sehun," she insisted.

"I'm in love."

"How is that a problem?"

"Being loved in return is asking for too much."

"Just tell them how you feel, then you'll know whether it's asking too much."

Sehun hated his sister for always being right.

Sweating palms, shaking fingers, uneasy stomach, light headed, Sehun was pretty sure he could diagnose himself as one of those fools who were just about to confess their love to someone.

He knocked on the door a few times, his fist feeling like it was made purely of jelly. The door opened and he met Luhan's eyes.

Rapid heart rate, redness in the face, eyes glued to the floor, oh yes he was one of those fools.

"Morning, Sehun. Did you need something?"

Just like a Band-Aid, come on Sehun you can do this, say it like you're ripping off a Band-Aid.

"Luhan." He said firmly, finally leveling his gaze with Luhan's.

"Sehun." Luhan said back cheekily.

"I-" This was it, this was his moment, no more Ice Prince, "like you"

"I like you too!" Luhan said cheerily, eyes crinkling up at the sides.

Sehun frowned, "No, I don't think you understand." He said slowly, licking his lips nervously, clenching and unclenching his hands at his sides.

"No, you don't understand."

Sehun spluttered, blinking rapidly as if it would clear away his confusion like a windshield-wiper.

Luhan chuckled before placing both of his hands on Sehun's shoulders. "Truth or Dare?"

Narrowing his eyes, Sehun responded, "Truth?"

"I truth you to kiss me."

"I don't think it works that way, Luhan"

But Sehun threw away the rule book as Luhan leaned in closer and closer until Sehun felt on the verge of melting before pressing their lips together.

"Called it." Was all Jongin said when Luhan announced not-so-quietly of his relationship with Sehun. Sehun wanted to die in a hole when all the eyes in the coffee house turned to their table.

"I guess you won't need that book your sister gave to you now."

"Can we not talk about that." Sehun tried his best to hide his face by planting it into the table.

"Book?" Luhan's eyes lit up mischievously as he nudged Jongin, "do tell me"

Sehun was more than relieved when Jongin's phone rang, saving him from dying of embarrassment.

"Hello? Oh! Yes, hi. You owe me ten bucks." Jongin exclaimed happily into the receiver, "it's your sister" He informed Sehun when he gave him an incredulous look. "Looks like I won the bet."


"On whether you'd get into a relationship before or after spring break. I said before, she said you wouldn't be able to until after."

There was never a time Sehun wanted to jump into a tank filled with piranhas more.

postings, summer 2013

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