Title: Behind Office Doors For: specialises Pairing: Kris/Lay Rating: NC-17 Length: 7,356w Summary, potential warnings: Yixing lands a job at a firm and realises that Yifan, someone special from high school, is his new boss.
hello, i am back! (and a little late to the party, i'm sorry!!)
first off, thank you for writing this for me! because i know my prompts were probably not easy to work with, considering they were either too vague or too specific, cries. i will be a better prompt giver in future ;~;
secondly, squeals! you wrote me porn omg. and it's office porn!!! honestly, i've always wanted to see office porn for krislay but there doesn't seem to be much (or any) of it around, so thank you so much for fulfilling this want omg. all in all, this was a really fun read and eeps i know i've said this so many times already but thank you, again!!! ♥
Hello! :) Your prompts were absolutely fine, I just had a hard time choosing which to pick :3 I'm glad you like it! It was honestly a rather rushed attempt and I was really worried this wasn't what you were looking for... I'm sorry if I disappointed you in any way! (I sent you a follow request on Twitter - I'm @chenyeollie ^^)
i had this duggun-duggun, doki-doki desu feeling in my kokolo the whole time you bring the cheese out ok. i was choking on my saliva throughout the whole thing because it reminds me of sekai icchi and hot scenes are hot. this was great :)
Comments 17
first off, thank you for writing this for me! because i know my prompts were probably not easy to work with, considering they were either too vague or too specific, cries. i will be a better prompt giver in future ;~;
secondly, squeals! you wrote me porn omg. and it's office porn!!! honestly, i've always wanted to see office porn for krislay but there doesn't seem to be much (or any) of it around, so thank you so much for fulfilling this want omg. all in all, this was a really fun read and eeps i know i've said this so many times already but thank you, again!!! ♥
Your prompts were absolutely fine, I just had a hard time choosing which to pick :3
I'm glad you like it! It was honestly a rather rushed attempt and I was really worried this wasn't what you were looking for... I'm sorry if I disappointed you in any way!
(I sent you a follow request on Twitter - I'm @chenyeollie ^^)
p.s. i am loving the sehun who squishes asses. a+
(well what do you know, sekaiichi is one of my favourites XD)
Thank you so much! ^^
I just had to add that in :3
Thank you for reading!! <3
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