Mar 05, 2007 03:15
Since I'm not nearly tired enough to pass out yet and I like to sleep in increments of hours (I'm strange that way) I decided to do a quick update before attempting to get my 4 hrs of sleep for the night. Maybe I'd be more tired if I hadn't slept in until 10-10:30am this morning, which is because, of course, I went to sleep so late last night reading through books and searching the internet for a descriptive setting from literature to email my drawing professor. I don't know why I obsessed over it so much. I just had this feeling that nothing I encountered was good enough and I knew I could find something better if I looked just a little bit longer. I spent a large part of my evening searching rereading large parts of "The Giver" and "Memoirs of a Geisha," looking back to specific parts I had remembered enjoying. Of course the selection I finally made (within the past hour) was from neither of these books.
Then I spent most of today doing my plant bio. hw! I didn't think it would take so long! I thought I would go to brunch, do my plant bio. hw, then finish my painting hw for Tuesday, eat dinner and hit the gym later. Nope. I had so much trouble identifying most of the samples I collected I devoted my day to this assignment. In the beginning I made observations on the entire plant first, taking notes and all, then collecting a sample to identify inside my house, but it was sooooo freezing with the wind and snow that I only made notes in my head before making sure to get a live sample with new twigs, buds, and anything else important present. The worst part is apparently I'm not the only one in class who suspects that he might actually expect the assignment for Thursday, since that's when we have our 4-hr. lab. If he does I'll be ticked I stressed over nothing and happy that I have it pretty much out of the way. This weekend was no wear near as laid back as I thought it would be, and most of it is to be blamed on my obsessive compulsiveness and inadequacies.
Hopefully this week I'll get increased hours at the ECC (as a light cleaner vs. classroom aid), and hear back from Ms. Luce about the Phonathon position I was interviewed for. I'd like to get out of the red as soon as possible, and start figuring out what this summer will hold for me. Althought it might not be bad to do my taxes and financial aid junk while I'm still so poor, :P.