(no subject)

Nov 01, 2006 01:49

I find it interesting that the later it gets the more awake I feel. Sometimes I feel that I'm just fighting the fact that I'm meant to be nocturnal, mostly because most of humanity has it the other way around, and if I want to be a part of that world, I need to be conscious for a good part of the day, especially since I don't work a night job or attend a night school. I've decided that it isn't true that I'm meant to be nocturnal however, since these are tendencies resulting from the luxuries of electricity, particularly semi-decent lighting and internet, and without them I'd be forced to be much less active than I am during those hours that almost everyone else seems to be sleeping.

I've been doing a lot of internet chores tonight: checking a lot of email, updating facebook and now my LJ. That includes updating my relationship status with Kitt to "open relationship," which I've already received questions about. Why do I feel that I'm in for a good number more?

Since I'm awake I'm going to work on my Chinese hw now. I have work early in the morning so that'll be fun too.

Oh! And before I forget people should write Beth letters while she's in Portugal. I should've posted the same for Emily when she was in France, but Beth just reminded me the other day and I wanted to remind everyone (including me) while it was still fresh on my mind.
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