Aug 21, 2006 13:46
My goal is to be offline in about 10 minutes (which means 20) so this will probably (not) be a fairly short entry, yet still the first one in what has been quite a while. I've decidely passed on any serious attempt to catch up on cafeamis email but I love them and will prolly email them soon. I'm back at Bennington on Sept. 4th which among many things marks the day that the internet once again becomes my lifeline, friend, and confidant. I will miss talking to Kit like three times a day as our lives will undoubtedly become so crazy that I at least will have to sell my soul and maybe his about three more times, which says nothing of the payments I will have to make once I graduate in a couple of years. Once again I shall resume updating this thing that I like to refer to as cheap therapy, so all of you who actually read this should expect to hear about applying for study abroad to China spring term, devoting all of my spare time to passing my Junior review which takes place around mid-term, and many other fun tests and trials. for anyone interested my Junior review is basically a crit that all Juniors lose nights of sleep over making sure they do their absolute best to impress our review committee and prove to them and perhaps ourselves that we have the right to have visual arts as part of our grand plan at Bennington College. At least I will have a single so there will be no one to wake up or disturb all the nights that I get back to my room at some rediculous hour. In preparationg of my return to Benny I have been making a rediculous amount of flashcards in an attempt to brush up and improve my chinese vocab, and have been seriously pondering on and starting sketches for a house that I want to design as part of my work to be presented in my J.R.
I also plan on getting my driver's license either later this week or the next. This is also my last week at DD and after this summer I don't plan on EVER coming back. I kind of feel like I'm trying to update my life. It's weird - and I'm nervous about my J.R. I'm not ready, and I find the need to convince myself that I will be ready when the time comes, instead of just believing it.
Otherwise I love my friends, I'll miss you when we all disperse again, and here marks the beginning of many LJ entries to come.