Frameful of childhood

Jan 01, 2008 01:29

I see no reason why truckloads of firecrackers need to be burned to celebrate and generally usher in a very polluted first-morning-of-the-year. The housing complex next door was having a celebration of sorts with loud music and crackers etc. Right now I can hear the caterers wrapping up after the party and talking to each other in extremely high pitched bengali.

The last weekend I met up with a few friends from my school - the very first school I went to in Shillong. Its quite funny that we were meeting in Pune (a second time in the same year) and chit-chatting over coffee. I left this school in Standard IV. We did not go to school that year for more than 6 months (ethnic violence) and later that year my family moved to Kolkata. So I did not get to say goodbye to a lot of folks.

The picture below is a wikimapia grab.

1. I was born here
2. My school
3. The house where I lived.

All in one frame :-)

Thanks popcorn09, svaksha, Tazz for the eye-care tips. Am feeling much better now. :-)

Wishing a year of good health and peace of mind for everyone.

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